Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hooray for Hollywood ~

Back from vacation ~ back to reality.  It really is good to be home . . . not so great to be back at work but my desk wasn't as bad as I had envisioned.
We made it to Los Angeles without incident.  I was even able to get through security with my scissors (less than 4" blades) and two pumpkin rolls.  My son (fondly known as LA Bill) LOVES pumpkin roll, so I surprised him with two.  I think he was happier to have the pumpkin roll than to see me :)  He already has asked when I will be back because as of Tuesday night, it was almost gone. 
We were typical tourists in the LA area.  Our first excursion was to Hollywood.

What a gorgeous theater.

Outside TCL Chinese Theatre (fka Grauman's).

 We walked many blocks to find this star.

We were there the day after Robin Williams died.  It was a media frenzy.  One never knows what demons live in others.  So sad.

Our next stop was Griffith Observatory

The sundial was accurate
to the minute.

 Set high atop a hill, it afforded beautiful views of the surrounding area.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  In the coming days, I have much more to bore you with :)
Pug hugs,


  1. Amazing pictures! What a fun trip.

  2. Looks like fun except you took a lot of pics of creepy clown heads......what's up with that?? I may not sleep for days. Lol

  3. Very nice Lauren, you got some great pictures!!!!!!
    No place like home is there!

  4. So glad you had a good vacay! Looking forward to more photos.

  5. I have never been there is looks amazing. So glad you got through with the pumpkin roll.

  6. So glad you had a good trip Lauren! I love pumpkin roll too. Can you bring one up to me? lol Great pics! Looks like you got to see a lot of things. Hugs, Lori

  7. I lived in the east Bay Area for 3 years and never made it to Hollywood. You've lots of great carvings for hooking inspiration. Enjoyed the pictures.

  8. You went deep down in there to get those pictures. Gosh was the traffic terrible? What beautiful places though. I am so impressed you found Ronald Reagan's star. I didn't know that was there, I really liked the Red Skelton one too. I have never been to the Observatory. It really looks neat, it bet it is so pretty in the spring.
    I am glad you desk wasn't too buried and I love that you son loves the pumpkin rolls how nice. I am looking forward to seeing more of your trip. I love seeing it through your eyes. You know the things I take for granted.

  9. What a nostalgic trip down memory lane for me! I grew up south of LA. My friends and I would occasionally take the drive up to Hollywood and walk around, just for the fun of it.

  10. Welcome home, looks like a fun trip.

  11. I would like to go there someday, I bet you had a fun time. Will enjoy seeing the pictures!


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