Saturday, August 16, 2014

Just a Quick Hello ~

Judy wanted to pop in to say hello.  I think I am going through blog withdrawal :). I was hoping to post a pic I had taken of the Oakland Bay bridge, but can't figure out how to do it from my iPad.    Gggrrrrr.

Having a wonderful time here in California.  We spent a few days in the LA area visiting with my son and his girlfriend.  It was very hectic trying to cram as much as possible in a very short time.  Yesterday we drove up the Pacific Coast Highway to Sebastopol.  A very long drive (13+ hours), but so worth it.  The scenery was breathtaking!  DSO's son and fiancée live in the country.  What a change of pace.  So quiet and peaceful compared to LA.

I'll have lots to share upon my return home.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Pugs hugs :)


  1. Sounds like you are having a great time.

  2. Sounds like a great time so far! Enjoy your visits and safe travels.

  3. Sounds like a lovely trip!
    When I saw Sebastapol, I thought, isn't that a city in Europe???
    After Googling it, I found the city I was thinking of is spelled Se*v*astapol.
    Oh well, silly me!

  4. Hello Lauren, sounds like a wonderful trip, enjoy. blessings Francine.

  5. Hope the weather is beautiful for you !
    Enjoy your family.

  6. I have been thinking of you. I am so glad you are having a wonderful time. I didn't know it was a 13 hour drive.
    I can't wait to hear all about it. Of course see pictures. :)

  7. Can't wait to see pics of your trip....sounds delightful!

  8. I'm glad to hear that you are having a nice time. I'm sure Loocy and Ellie will be happy to have you home. Who is doggie sitting? I was surprised that you went on vacation during Sauder week. Can't wait to see what all you post when you come home. Safe travels!

  9. Looking forward to seeing California thru your eyes. When I lived there I preferred northern California to the LA and all points south.

    Safe trip home and glad you are having fun with family.


  10. I'm glad you're enjoying your trip Lauren. I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures.


  11. I am glad your having a great time in California!

  12. Glad your trip is going well and you're having fun.


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