Thursday, June 26, 2014

I'd Forget my Head . . .

. . . if it wasn't attached.  Last Sunday I went to the Crows on the Ledge hook in.  I'm about half way there (about 30 minutes) when I realize I'd forgotten my frame.  Thankfully Donna had a frame I could use.  Did I remember to get out my camera?  NO.
Aren't these cool?  Julia from South Carolina won some garden markers from me and she was so sweet she gifted me these Santas.  She lives near the beach in South Carolina and gathers these oyster shells and turns them in to these wonderful Santas.  She also sent me a beautifully sewn pincushion and some sea glass.  How lucky can a hooker get?
Speaking of gifts, dear friend Wink gave me this green feather edge bowl as a belated birthday gift (in addition to treating me to a night at the bed and breakfast in Zoar).  I have a large collection of blue, (see it here) but this is only my second piece of green.  I am truly blessed to call her friend.

While in Zoar area, we hit a few antique malls, but IMHO, there weren't too many antiques in these malls.  I did buy this metal eagle.  I think maybe it is from the top of a flag pole but I'm not sure.  Perhaps vintage but definitely not antique, but that's okay because I like him just the same.  I know I purchased a few other things but they must be pretty unmemorable because I can't think of what they are.
For years I've planned on making these concrete leaves but still haven't, so I picked these up from a vendor at the Zoar community garden.  I almost bought a third one but didn't.  I should have because I was going to keep one for myself and give one as a gift, but now they will both be gifts.  (The larger one is just over 12" tall.)  

I also got this sweet Turtlecreek pottery sheep.  (Half price - yeah.)

Saturday is the hook in at Kingwood Garden in Mansfield, OH.  It is put on by the sweetest hooker you will ever meet, Katie of Kid'l de Divey Woolens.  She has asked me to vend my hooker necklaces so I've been busy stamping away.  Anything I can do to help support my habit.
Hopefully I'll get out the camera and have lots to share.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a wonderful thing to regift you with, and a clever idea for shells.


  2. Love the leaves! All things looks good!

  3. Those oyster shell santas are adorable!! That's something I've never seen before. What a sweet gesture.

  4. Happy that your weekend was so wonderful with friends and great surprises! I can relate to your forgetful episodes...sounds SO FAMILIAR!

    Hugs, Linda

  5. No wonder you almost forget your head if it wasn't attached . You are always so busy. What a thoughtful gesture to send you those cute oyster shell santas. Love the leaves.

    Have a great weekend Lauren.

  6. Santas are nice and in 6 months you can use them. Hard to believe Christmas is only 6 months away. Your other purchases and gifts are great too. You're a good person who reaps what she sows. BIG HUGS.


  7. I have santa made out of clam shells. have always wanted to do the leaf things out of cement too and never have.
    I love your finds and your sheep is darling I guess I missed your birthday so happy belated.

  8. How clever are those sea shell santas !! I love all of your finds. Really like the concrete leaves. I have one in my garden and it catches rain perfectly. You wouldn't believe all the birds that drink from it !

  9. How cute are the santas out of shells!

  10. Lauren, You have such wonderful friends because each is a reflection of you and all the kindness you bring to everyone who gets the chance to know you.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Great gifts and great finds!!
    Love your necklaces too!!


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