Sunday, June 29, 2014

Be My Valentine ~

Be My Valentine was the theme of the 2014 Kid'l de Divey hook-in at Kingwood Center in Mansfield, OH, which is now but a pleasant memory.  Katie and crew always do an excellent job putting on this hook-in in the most gorgeous setting.  A good time was had by all.
If you chose to participate, you brought a 4" x 6" Valentine you made.  Most were hooked but not all.  If you brought a Valentine, you received one to take home.
Aren't they fun?

This was my Valentine.
I don't think I could sew something on straight if my life depended on it :)

Here is the Valentine I came home with.  So simple and sweet.

I was lucky to be asked to sell my spoon necklaces and garden markers at the hook-in.  I was most pleased with my sales.  I only bought a half yard of wool (such restraint) and this sweet little pin cushion.  Lanna of Humble Rugs is a very talented hooker and needle puncher, rug designer and the maker of delightful pin cushions.    

Even with friends to watch my booth, I tried not to be gone for long.  I didn't realize how few pictures I had taken, but I hope you enjoy the show.


I love this rug.

Since I made a little cash, I treated myself at the antique show today.  Stay tuned.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Fun heart rugs and love how you used the postcard backing, nice idea. Wonderful rug show, lots of inspiration.


  2. What a lovely time you must have had and I love those rugs. The little Valentine rugs are wonderful. I like the one you made. I liked the colors of that wool.
    I am so glad you did so well with your lovely spoon jewelery and garden markers. I know I sure love mine.
    Have a wonderful week I can't wait to see what you found antiquing.

  3. Adorable Valentines. Nice touch with the label there missy. ;) thank you for the rug show.

  4. I love the valentine you hooked and the spoon and key are the perfect way to finish it off ! Looks like you had a lot of fun...glad you did well with the jewelry and garden markers.

  5. Beautiful woolie eye candy.
    Love the dear Valentines.
    I also love the Pumpkin Pilgrim.
    Cant wait to see what you got.
    Woolie Hugs

  6. Lauren, Thanks for taking us with you to the hook-in!! Love your clever backing on the Valentine you sweet!! Also love the "Mocha" rug, but I'm sure you could have guessed that!!

  7. Great rugs! It is always fun to see what other hookers are up to. Do you know who does the pattern...the one you love...the tree with the bird and the lion in the corner? It's so sweet and tempting. Have a great week!

  8. Morning Lauren, wow!!!!! Very talented hookers, love all the wonderful rugs. I adore your heart, so sweet, Blessings Francine.

  9. Lauren, i think you're having way too much fun being a hooker. Just kidding...You deserve all the fun you can get.

    Your little Valentine with your own touch is wonderful.
    I still appreciate the Valentine you made me. I see it everyday.
    I love your label. I must get going and try my hand at making some for my rugs but I'm always afraid of jamming the printer which we use a lot in the office.


  10. Such eye candy!!!! I bet your heart was snapped up as soon as you put it out, very nice gal. I'll be stopping by again to look at all these pictures again to get a second helping.


  11. It looks like such fun. Glad you did well, too! I love love your Valentine rug you did!!

  12. What fun! A lot of great eye candy there!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)