Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunny Sunday ~

Today is sunny but still downright C-O-L-D. Enough already.  Here it is almost the end of April.  There was an event today where Ohio Pug Rescue was set up.  I was dressed in a sweater, turtleneck, winter coat and gloves and I about froze.  After arriving home, I was sucked up to my little electric heater for a couple hours before I thawed out.  I hope we have a bit of spring and just don't go straight to summer.  

I am the exception to the rule.  I am not a big fan of Simple Goods, even though it is not far (maybe 60 miles) from me, so I stayed home and accomplished some much needed yard work.  The winter was very hard on the gardens, especially the hydrangea.  I don't think I will have any flowers this year as most of the plant was frozen.  I am getting new growth from the base of the plants so thankfully they are not dead.
My DSO assembled my garden arch and installed it for me.  PVC was not my first choice, but for the cost, I decided to go with it.  It is next to the wisteria, so when the wisteria leafs out, I think it will look fine.  After it blooms, I will be cutting much of it back.  It is very invasive but worth it for the beautiful flowers.  My garage is barely visible to the left.  That is my neighbor's garage and fence you see with the wisteria growing on her fence.

I don't seem to be accomplishing much in the hooking department.  I have finished a little sunflower mat that will be a door prize at the Western Reserve guild hook-in on May 17.  I just need to get a label on it and get it sent off.  I'm registered for the hook-in, but I recently discovered that it is the same day as Pride Day in the county and I normally have to work.  I will be really bummed if I have to miss it.  

Not much else is going on.  All work and (almost) no play makes Lauren a dull, dull girl.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It is cold here too. I haven't even done one thing in my gardens. I love your sunflower great job. I don't know what simple goods is. I like your trellis spring will come I hope.

  2. I love your Sunflower hooked piece!!! Lauren, you may be experiencing colder weather there now than me but I'm not so far ahead of you in the garden prep division.

    There was a time that I enjoyed expanding my garden, planting and digging in the dirt, weeding but now all those past joys are an issue with aging joints. And those magnificent ground covers which I adored but never grew during a drought have flourished when it is difficult to control them. So dear girl, be careful what seed you plant.


  3. Very cute sunflower! Cold here too (snow flakes in the air tonight).

  4. I do like your trellis! So pretty when the flowers are growing on them! Cold here too.. raining like crazy... hmmm I'm beginning to wonder what summer will be like?
    Nice little mat for a door prize... Lauren you always accomplish more than you give yourself credit for! I hope you find some playtime real soon!!
    Cathy G

  5. I also like your trellis and I wish it was colder then it is. It's going to be a long summer .

  6. Your wisteria will look fabulous on the trellis !
    Our gardens also took a hard hit this winter.
    Lovely sunflower !

  7. I think the arch looks nice and will be a nice bak drop for Wisteria. Show us again later this Summer with it covered.
    I know what you mean, I froze too....enough od the cold already!
    Did you see Dick and Dawns picture at Simple Goods?

  8. The sunflower mat is so cute! We're a bit on the cool side in joisey too and it will be raining for the next 3 days... the hydrangeas in my yard are the same as yours... I hope they bloom this year as I always look forward to them!

  9. The PVC garden is lovely!
    We had a wooden one and with time it started to warp. I think yours will last much longer.
    Please don't tell me the winter coat may be needed again!

  10. LOL! I meant the PVC garden ARCH is lovely!
    NO to a garden of plastic flowers!

  11. Hey Lauren...we have that same garden arch and we love it! I would like to get another one for the back of my yard. My friends went to Simple Goods and came home empty handed. I heard the prices were out of this world but aren't they always? Have a great Monday!

  12. I don't think we'll have much spring here in PA either. Would love some nice days before the heat. Love the little sunflower mat hope you can make it to the event. Warm Blessings! Amy

  13. We have moved into summer already. This weekend was hot! Love your arch...and your sunflower is wonderful! Our Confederate Jasmine is blooming like crazy right now and the scent is come the gardenias!
    Have a great week,

  14. We lost an entire row of boxwood and the hydrangeas aren't sprouting. Thank God it's over! I considered Simple Goods but my bank doesn't do loans on Saturdays. Yikes!!

  15. Love the trellis! Hoping the weather gets nice and not all of a sudden 95 .LOL!

  16. I love your garden arch. It looks so nice and white. Mine is getting so old and is falling apart like a lot of things around my place.
    I sure hopes it warms up here too. It's still so wet and with all the cold rain and wind we're having the yard will have to wait. I'm still wearing my long-johns.

  17. I certainly don't find you dull, my dear. F

  18. Cute sunflower mat and love your label! Also love the arch ~ I would know it was PVC ~ and especially when it's cover in greenery, it will look great!!


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