Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Just Tuesday ~

I know, boring title for a post . . .

Easter was good.  A gorgeous day spent with family and loved ones and I didn't have to cook.
Here are two of my favorite boys.  Younger son J with grandson Jake.  Jake was so proud of his outfit.  He just grinned from ear to ear but still wasn't happy about having his picture taken.  He's taking after his father.  This was the most serious I could get them.

This is more the norm.

Here are the last few pictures from the Retreat in to the Mountains with Susan Feller.  She is working on a year long study ~ creating a 5 inch square daily in many mediums.  These are February.  You can read more about it here.

This is the second year friends Deb, Kathy and Karen have done a challenge in which each hooks 1/3 of a rug and passes it along.  What fun!

Here is my progress on "Here a Chick".  The chicks were hooked with an 8 cut (UGH).  I am so happy to finally have them done.  The majority of the rug is hooked with a 9.5 cut.  For 2+ days of hooking in West Virginia and hooking a little almost every day since I've gotten home, you'd think I'd be much further along.  The dog's face needs a little work and the cat's face needs major work.  In person it looks like a jack-o-lantern face.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a pair of cuties. Jake is styling in that outfit. I like your new rug....9.5 hahaha. I wonder if I will ever try that one

  2. Your Jake is growing like a weed!
    I love all the rugs the one you are working on is great.

  3. Jake is growing up so quickly,I love the chicken rug. Hugs cheri

  4. Handsome gents! Love seeing the rugs...lots of talent! Your chick rug is coming along nicely...I like the cat's face.

  5. Oh my gosh, Jakes looks so much like his dad... He's looking much older now. It's amazing how fast he has grown.

    I love those bug rugs even though i'm not particularly fond of live bugs, they are pretty spectacular. Thanks for the show and tell.

    I can't imagine hooking with a 9.5. That seems so wide to work in the details.Keep at it. You're doing good.

  6. Glad you had a nice Easter. Always enjoy seeing the different rugs.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  7. I love the idea of creating a square every day.
    The boys look great ! Love the dashing outfit on your grandson ;)

  8. Hi, Lauren, Grandson has quite the outfit! He looks so cute. Like your chicken rug the best.

  9. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

  10. Love the rug with all the chicks, Lauren! Jake is getting so grown up...where do the years go?

    Hugs, Linda


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