Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Little Progress ~

I have made a little progress on the background of Here a Chick.  I have to admit, I like hooking background.  Mindless hooking and I get along very well.  I soon may have to set this aside and get busy hooking the several gift rugs I will be needing in the next couple of months.  Too many rugs . . . too little time . . . sigh.

Just thought I'd show you the rug label I made for the sunflower mat shown in my last post.  I am happy the way it came out.  

I finally did a little cleaning in the wool room. Though the wool is not yet organized, at least the piles of wool are off the floor.

The small craft closet has been organized (once again), but this is what the walk in closet looks like.  (It's a small walk in closet, but for my house having been built in 1940, I am thrilled to have not one, but two of them.)  How does it get so totally out of control? Must be those damned wool fairies sneaking around at night wreaking havoc.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I'm so glad to know that I am not the only one with wool fairies :)
    Blessings, Patti

  2. Hi Lauren,
    Your rug is wonderful!!! Love it, love it!
    I think I have not only wool fairies, but fabric fairies, and all their close relations as well!!! Now if I can just contact those cleaning fairies..........:)
    Have a great week!
    Warm Hugs~

  3. The wool fairies are rampant here too ;)

  4. I was doing the same darn thing tonight, Lauren...straightening out my wool. How can one rug create so much havoc?? Your rug looks very nice...love the colors!! I'm hooking the horse rug that you gave me in February. I love it!

  5. I love your rug it is so darling!,,,,

  6. Your rug label is PERFECT, Lauren !

  7. So that who's been messing with my wool, lol...
    Those darn wool fairies. Well I'll be... I don't mind hooking background either. It gives me a chance to vegetate. Your chickie rug looks good Lauren.


  8. I love your rug great colors the wool fairies have been busy here too but I am just bone lazy. I have been sitting and reading not even hooking so maybe this is the weekend to get it together because next weekend we have Miss B! not much will get done.

  9. Sweet rug!!! I am so relieved to know that there are others out there with closets that resemble this! Surely they are all part of the creative process!

  10. Keeping your creative area straightened is a never ending job... it, like your real job, gets in the way of fun.

  11. Progress is looking good! Always feels good to reorganize.

  12. Oh but the Here a Chick is fantastic. The other day I came across the booklet with the pattern in it and it is on my list of rugs to hook as well. Yours is really great. Nice label, is it from your Avery fabric sheet? My local walmart carries Avery printer products but the only ones I've seen are the ones with the rubbery iron on stuff. Is that what yours is? I was afraid to buy it for fear it wouldn't be what I needed.


  13. Your rug looks great, Lauren! I love the colors you have used...backgrounds really bring out the details!

    I thought the wool fairies did all their nasty work only in my wool room!

    Hugs, Linda

  14. Your rug is looking good Lauren! Your label is really nice. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Lori


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