Thursday, March 6, 2014

Transferring a Pattern ~

This is not necessarily the right way and it's definitely not the only way, but this is the method I use to transfer a pattern to linen.

For quite some time, I've been thinking about hooking a Barbara Carroll pattern found in this book.

Here a Chick just looks like a fun project ~ except for all those little chicks.

I headed to the local office supply store and had it enlarged 325% as the pattern stated.  It came out very close to 22.5" x 26" it was supposed to.  I know there are computer programs you can use, but for me this is the easiest way.

Here is it enlarged.

It's hard to tell, but I've laid a piece of window screen over it.  Just grey fiberglass window screen purchased at Home Depot.  Be sure not to buy black or your tracings won't show up.

Trace over the pattern with a black Sharpie marker and this is how it will look.  Now take this, place it over your backing of choice and retrace with your marker.  You will have a faint tracing that you then can then trace over again.  

I am fortunate that I almost never get sick.  Well, all I have is a cold and it's kickin' my butt.  I left work early yesterday and slept for 3 1/2 hours. This morning I got up long enough to call off and then had to force myself up at 11:30 am.  I almost feel human but not quite.  I don't think I'd be a very good "sick person". 

Does your checkbook need to balance to the penny?  I am so anal when it comes to that. Well, the statement came today and I am off ~ WAY off and it's driving me crazy.  I need to get off this machine and go figure it out.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Since I need to enlarge and trace, I decided to go with a projector. It works for me since I can fit the designs I do in the space I want by reducing or enlarging it on the backing.


  2. Oh I love that pattern!!!! poor you I hate to be sick too.
    feel better soon. what you are suppose to balance a check book?????:)

  3. Clever method of transferring !
    Hope you feel much better each day, Lauren ;)

  4. Hope you feel better soon.
    I like your transfer idea. I do the same method except I use tulle instead of screening.

    Yes my check book has to balance to the penny every month

  5. Good tutorial. Question...... can you use that same grey screening time and again? And what I do after it is paper enlarged is just lay my linen on top of the paper and it is usually clear enough to draw just once straight on top of the linen.

    Just balanced my checkbook yesterday, was $11.38 off but found my mistake.


  6. Thanks Lauren, step by step is great, Blessings Francine.

  7. Lauren,
    Sorry you are feeling so cruddy. Get better fast, please!
    Like you, I dislike when my bank statement is off from what I think it should be. Since I am on a very fixed income, every penny counts.
    Stay warm and take lots of vitamin C!

  8. So sorry you are under the weather. I hope that you'll feel back spry as a chicken in no time.

    That looks like and easy pattern . Thanks for the tutorial.
    I'm so sleepy, I'm seeing double.
    Good night.


  9. Hope you're feeling better every day...had to laugh about your checkbook...I'm the total opposite...I write down the check but never the times I use the check card and never balance a thing!


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