Monday, March 10, 2014

Still Shaking my Head ~

I'm still wondering how I chose the colors for the center section of my rug.  It is a challenge on Rug Hooking Daily, hooking a rug using your worm stash.  The gold and orange didn't look so bad at first, but once I started hooking the hit and miss sides . . . well, what can I say?  Fall?  70's?  Just plain ugly???  I think I am going to try a serious dose of walnut dye and if that doesn't tone it down enough, I'll be doing some reverse hooking. You know me, I almost never reverse hook, but this time I may have to make an exception.

It's been a while since I've posted a picture of Loocie, but isn't this just the cutest?  That gray face just melts my heart.  Poor thing.  Sometimes I think she sees okay, but other times her vision seems to be getting worse.  DSO (aka daddy) takes her to the puppy ophthalmologist and faithfully puts in her eyedrops twice daily.  Such a good puppy daddy :)  (She is his princess.) 

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Isn't this time change wonderful?  It's once again dark on the way to work but still light at 8pm.  Today was very springlike, but they are saying old man winter will be here again Wednesday with 5-8" of snow. The most wonderful thing about March snows is that they usually don't stick around for too long.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I think it stands out more because those colors are in the center, maybe adding them to the border would bring it all together?


  2. I saw on the local news yesterday that my area got 11 more inches of snow than yours did this season...yikes! enough already...

    as for me...I'm a master at reverse hooking...that orange is BRIGHT...

  3. Cutie!!!!!
    Hoping we don't get the deep stuff!!

  4. Hi Lauren, oh no, not more white stuff.....I like the color, looks nice....Blessings Francine.

  5. Ahhhh, That Loocie is such a sweet girl, just beautiful! You can definitely tell a good man by the way he treats the dogs....for sure!

  6. Hmmm….I agree with Debbie ~ bring those colors to the edges, how about a scalloped or rippled border? THEN dunk in walnut! ha!
    I do like it though :)))
    nice & bright…not 70's-ish.

  7. Our dog has PRA & we give him drops twice a day too....he copes pretty well, but we miss seeing him run & play like he used to....we just love him to pieces. Keep will look great when you are done !

  8. Hi Lauren, so glad that you posted a picture of Loocie,she looks like a princess and the fabric in the background makes it picture perfect.

    I agree with the others that suggested perhaps a border of orange and burnt orange might bring everything together and then a walnut bath.

    It's snowing here too today, Wed and Thur. 9 days to Spring.


  9. Loocie is adorable and what a good man he is to take such great care of her. I personally like the rug but think if you did a border in the same colors that it would be even better.Have a great day.Blessings,Jen

  10. OK, you're the first I've heard to say the time change is wonderful. Uh huh. Will.Try.To.Imitiate.Your.Attitude.!

  11. Well I kind of like those colors. I like that rug too. I should sign up. It would be fun to do something like that will all of these bags of worms I have,
    I love that picture too. She looks like she is deep in thought. Yes, the time change is always tough to get with the plan, though I like the daylight in the evening. I always feel so behind though.

  12. Lauren,
    You got some great suggestions on your rug so I will keep my thoughts to myself. But I love how much time and energy you have put to caring for pugs. Loocie is just one example.
    Sorry winter is headed your way, still. We have our first taste of spring and that means to call my yardman!

  13. Sad to say we will get some cold and precipitation of some sort too. Here it is in the 70's here in Delaware today and gonna change all too soon. Come on spring!!!!


  14. Yep, like the other gals said, I think a border with some of the center colors will help balance out the design - maybe add a dark center circle to the flower. Fun rug!

  15. Looking forward to seeing you in 1 1/2 weeks! Should be an awesome show. Save room for pizza on Friday night during setup!

  16. I love the rug exactly as it is!! It doesn't scream 70s to me. Sweet little pug...

  17. Sweet little Loocie, how precious she is! I am so done with the snow and cold!

  18. Hi, Lauren,
    Loocie is such a little princess! Adorable! I like your rug pattern, I think some walnut dye would do wonders, I do like the yellow/orange star, just maybe toned down a pinch. I am getting ready for EWM, I hope things sell. It is supposed to get really cold here tomorrow, but I don't think any snow...knock on wood.

  19. Lauren, Always love see Loocie!!! I like the rug. Maybe some orange in the border might help you like it more? OLM

  20. I too am so done with winter, however winter is not done with us here in Maine...Loocie is such a precious little dog, she is such a lucky girl to have you and I know you feel the same way about her...I love your latest hooking project...some of my most favorite rugs that I have pinned from Pinterest have been hooked by you!!! Hope you are staying well, keeping my fingers crossed that spring arrives soon...Hugs, Julie


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