Monday, March 3, 2014

Hookin's Done ~

Pulled the last of the loops on the Chicken Challenge rug this evening.  Initially, I wasn't that thrilled with the pattern but thought the challenge sounded like fun since I had never done one before.  I must say, once I started hook it, I fell in love with its naivete.  I did hook the rug from my worm stash except for the antique black/dark background.  The finished size ended up being 15" x 30".  Of course, the black is more subtle in person.

Julia (of Petals and Wool) and Sunnie (Old Crow Farm) have started a new group on Rug Hooking Daily called the Great Stash Deworming Marathon.  It's hooking a project entirely from your worm stash.  Geez, I guess I started my Chicken Challenge rug a bit too soon . . . lol!  If you are interested in joining in on the fun, they will welcome you with open arms (and hook in hand).  I need to assess my worm stash to see what I can come up with.  HHHMMM . . . never did a challenge before and now two within a month.  What's gotten in to me?

Have you seen this video?  I first saw it on Tammy's blog and thought is was a hoot.  It's also making its way around Facebook.  If you need a good laugh, please take a peak.  It's less than a minute long and sure to be worth your while.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I really love how it came out and I do like the design, just no time lately for hooking and when I do, need to finish my big one.


  2. So nice Lauren! I love how all the colors go together...I've yet to hook a "hit or miss" design. Your Chicken Rug looks great!

  3. Oh my I do love the chicken rug.
    Awesome colors too.
    Woolie Blessings

  4. The rug turned out's always fun to hook along with others.
    The Video is way too cute !!
    My dogs loved Mc Ds cheeseburgers ;) (only as a treat)

  5. LOVE your chicken challenge rug! Awesome work!!!

  6. Morning, such a great rug Lauren, love it.....I saw that vidio, made me laugh, Hugs Francine.

  7. Lauren, WOW woman! You hooked that chicken in record time!! I love how it turned out!

  8. Love love love your rug! I was trying to punch needle my challenge rug but I am not so good at it. Now I am
    limping along with the 3 cut face. I love that clip that is one smart dog he knows make your first bite a good one I will have to remember that when I am sharing husbands ice cream.

  9. OMG, Ben thinks I'm crazy as a loon because I just howled at Cooper! That was funny thanks for sharing.

    Your Chicken Challenge rug came out really great! Sure wish I'd get back working on mine. But then I want to start something new for the deworming group. So guess there goes any more work on my geometric.


  10. Gosh you hooked that up in no time! Love it! Before i started hooking i cut up bunches of noodles in all different colors i have a huge basket full i really should pop over to rug hook daily and look into julias

  11. Challenge! I have problems with commenting from my ipad.. The video is too funny and so true! My golden would do the same thing! Enjoy your dat Lauren

  12. lol! Cooper rules! lol!
    Your chicken rug finished up wonderfully! I love the background and the hit n miss corners!

  13. Your chicken rug looks great!!!
    You hooked it up in no time!

  14. Thanks so much for mentioning our Great Stash Deworming Marathon. It's a hoot and we haven't even started hooking yet, lol...
    Wow, Lauren, you sure hooked that chicken challenge rug in no time and it looks wonderful. I love it.

    Love the video too.

  15. Lauren - Your chicken rug turned out wonderfully. I hope we'll see more of them in blogland as others make it too - I had good intentions but - - - -

  16. I love the folky look of the rug. Thanks for sharing the laugh this morning. Too cute! Warm Blessings! Amy

  17. Love your rug....the video was a riot !!!!

  18. Glad you finished the rug. Looks good!! Loved the video too and got quite a chuckle out of it.
    Stay warm,

  19. Hi, Lauren,
    I watched the video, too cute! WOW, I can't believe how your chicken rug turned out...beautiful! You are just one wild hookin' woman! Seriously, I can'b believe how much you get done. I spend too much time on stitching.

  20. Hi Lauren, the pleasure of welcoming you to our group was all ours... Sunnie and I are really thankful that you came to our worm party. lol

  21. Lauren,

    Love the rug! I need to watch the video :). OLM

  22. Your chicken rug is fabulous!!!
    Hugs ...

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