Thursday, March 27, 2014

Library Hookers ~

I spent a couple hours this evening hooking at the library.  It was a small group but so much talent. Peggy is hooking this delightful Heavens to Betsy pattern.  Her neutral back is absolutely wonderful ~ so much better in person.

I am almost certain this is the wool she is using but cutting it against the selvage.  It is just an old looking background.

Heidi loves her bright colors.  She is leaning towards a background with just a hint of purple in it.

More bright colors in Jane's Karla Gerard pattern using some alternative fibers.  It is going to be stunning upon completion.

Marsha is a relatively new hooker but you'd never know it.  Her footstool is coming along just great :)

And moi.  I've made a bit of progress on What Nots.  I'm not lovin' it yet ~ maybe that's why I haven't hooked on it in the last year and a half. I'm hoping it will grow on me the more I get hooked.

Not that I'm wishing my life away, but I am happy that tomorrow is Friday.  I have a hot date with my favorite little redhead.  Lake Erie perch for dinner (if you've not had Lake Erie perch, you haven't lived) and hopefully the Muppets movie. Life is good.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Great hookers Lauren!
    Perch fav for fish too. Have fun and enjoy your weekend.

  2. How nice that you girls get together to hook. Lots of great colors going on. Yum! Lake Erie fish is so good ! Have fun with the little one. They grow so fast.
    Marg :)

  3. What a great group of talent !!
    These hooked rugs are lovely...and all so very different ;)

  4. Beautiful! So many hooking styles! I really like that footstool! Your whatnots is coming along nicely too! Have a great weekend!

  5. Morning Lauren, such beautiful rugs, lots of talent there, Blessings Francine.

  6. oh your date sound fabulous! I love your rug you are so lucky to be with other hookers a lot it give inspiration.

  7. I love seeing all the projects other hookers are working on. All different styles and preferences but beautiful! Enjoy your hot date. Sounds like fun

  8. I really like that rug Lauren - I think it looks great ! What Nots - what a great name! Hope your date night goes well and that you have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for showing the gals projects, always nice to see what others are hooking on. Cheers Mel

  9. Hi Lauren. Just beautiful those rugs. Thanks for posting the pictures.
    Have a great weekend.

  10. Wow beautiful colors.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Cant wait to hear how the Muppets movie was!
    Woolie Hugs

  11. Hi Lauren, I have been trying to clean up my wool and my patterns so I am on a little break from hooking. Have to get back at it. I think I have that same background wool from Betsy. I like the way it hooks from the picture. Are you going to Gathered Treasures? Hope to see you there.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)