Sunday, March 30, 2014

This 'n That ~

Winter returned yesterday . . . sigh.  The good thing about a March storm in Ohio is that it usually doesn't stick around for too long.  With today's warmer temps (in the 40's) and lots of sunshine, most of the snow is gone.  

In my front garden the winter aconite and snowdrops are blooming in abundance.  

As soon as my daffodil buds get to be 3-4" tall, I start cutting them and force them to bloom in the house.  It is amazing how much they continue to grow.  Here are the first daffs of the season.  

Isn't this just the greatest idea?  I snagged it from Facebook.  I have a garden bench that I picked off a neighbor's trash pile a couple of years ago and the seat is rotting.  I think I will try this.  

I am on a roll here with binding my rugs.  I am completely caught up.  I know ~ hard to believe :)  Here's the Chicken Challenge rug all bound.  I was only so-so on the pattern when I started hooking this rug, but it has become one of my all time favorites.  It was just fun to hook.

Here's a super easy way to label a rug.  I just took a piece of binding tape and a Sharpie ~ voila ~ super easy and fast.  If you've bound the rug with rug tape, you can write directly on it there.

These weekends pass too quickly, don't they?  I still have several things on my "to-do" list that I want to get done.  The list is just never ending.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love the bench, really nice idea. Your rug looks beautifully all finished, I need to get some of mine done too.


  2. You're all caught up with your binding? hats off to you! Impressive :)
    I can't believe you have flowers sprouting.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Evening Lauren, love the Daffodils, great idea.....I took the picture of the garden bench too from Facebook, so pretty. ..Blessings Francine.

  5. I love that bench! It would be great to see the ground let alone flowers.

  6. I Love the chicken rug in front of that beautiful cupboard! I can see why it has become your favorite! I wish this snow would hurry up and melt here... sigh... for now I can enjoy your photos of the daffodils!! I hear you on the never ending to-do list... but computer time is more important than most stuff on my list anyway! LOL!
    Cathy G

  7. Lauren, you have been simply amazing this year with binding your rugs, pronto. What's your secret?
    That Chicken rug looks bigger than I thought and looks just great in front of that armoire.

    Thanks for the tip about quick rug labels.

    I'm jealous that you have blooming spring flowers. We are getting further under the nasty snow.

    Stay safe,

  8. I really love your Chicken Challenge rug. It turned out so nice and kudos on getting all of your rugs bound,.I like the way you signed your rug, now I know what to do.
    I have always wondered how.
    I hope it warms up lots this week. I also hope you have a nice one.

  9. You go girl.
    I love your chicken rug.
    Beautiful .
    And the bench is so stinkin cool.
    Woolie Blessings

  10. Your chicken rug is cute! I do like that garden bench idea... I'll fill mine with marigolds because the bunnies can't get to them there... :-)

  11. Bummer snow for your neck of the woods. I spent the whole day outside yesterday cleaning and raking. I have not seen one flower yet.
    Lauren your rug looks perfect in front of that awsome
    Last day of March!!! Yay....have a good one.

  12. Hi Lauren, you were working on the rug at the Spring Plantings show and now its finished. Looks wonderful in front of the awesome cupboard. LoVe them both.Flowers, aren 't you just the lucky one. Mine are under a few inches of snow yet.I LoVe the bench. I have an old chair I do the same with.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs Marg

  13. I'm envious that you're all caught up with your binding; I still have 3 finished rugs which need binding and will soon add 2 more to the list when the ones I'm working on are done.

  14. Oh the bench idea is so neat,now I will have to try and find a bench.LOL! Love your chicken challenge rug,it is gorgeous. Sorry about the snow,warmer temps are around the corner.Blessings,Jen

  15. Hi Lauren. Love that chicken rug. It looks great in that spot. We still have snow, so no showing of spring plants yet. Can't wait to get my hands in the dirt and use my new garden markers I got from you at the sale.
    Have a great week.

  16. Hi, Lauren, I can't believe you have daffodil buds already! Mine are only about 4 inches tall. I wonder why yours are so much further along...after all, you live up north! The chicken challenge rug is beautiful, I love the spot that you chose to put it. What a beautiful cupboard too! It is warm here today, but very windy. I went out and bought pansies...I need flowers! I love that bench idea...right up my alley.

  17. Hi Lauren...That garden bench is many ways to plant it...what a fun project! Your chicken rug turned out great...I love the little trees (I think I told you that before)...they are just so cute!
    Take care,

  18. Love the bench idea! Wouldn't that be so pretty?!


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