Monday, March 24, 2014

The Fat Lady Sang ~

or . . the Holly Hills Spring Plantings show is now just a good memory :)

As usual, I forgot to take many pictures, but here are a few . . .

There were 3 or 4 ladies that made a variety of wonderful dolls/animals.  

I am not much of a doll person, but I absolutely loved this one.  I was glad when I checked at the end of the show and she was gone!

I'd say putting me next to a wool vendor is like having the fox guard the hen house :)  This gorgeous wool is from the Wool Room of South Lyon, MI.

Teresa Kogut is one of the most talented (and sweetest) people you could ever meet.  A couple of her prints came home with me. She has wonderful punch needle and rug patterns, too.

I am happy to report I had a successful show.  As an afterthought I took a few hooked pieces with me not expecting any to sell.  (At the fall show, I didn't even sell a one.)  I sold two of them ~ woo hoo ~ which really made my day and definitely boosted my profit margin.  I was very conservative in my purchases so actually came home with some cash to put towards my hooking expenses.  As we all know, hooking is not cheap :)

For more pictures, hop on over to Earlene's blog. She was helping Dawn and took some great shots.

I did break down and bought one little bunny . . .

. . . and of course a bit of wool.

Thanks, Dawn, for such a great show.
* * * * *
March is a big birthday month in my family and yesterday we celebrated.  Grandson Jake turned 9 . . .

. . . son J ~ still wearing his "winter face" (with girlfriend Jessica and Loocie) is 33.  How did that happen?

MUCH older brother Bill (2 years and 11 days) also had a birthday, along with yours truly :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow am I behind. Or did I wish you a happy birthday? Forgive me if I didn't. I can't remember anything anymore! Those first two pics are my kind of show. Glad you were pleased!

  2. I guess a Happy Birthday is in order, fun to celebrate with other family members. We will be doing that this year with 3 in a row. Looks like a great show, and I love Teresa's patterns.


  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Lauren!! Hope you had a wonderful day...looks like you did from your pictures. Thanks for sharing your pictures, esp. all the pix of your looks so cozy and welcoming.

    Hugs, Linda

  4. Hello Lauren. Happy Birthday. I was so happy to see you last weekend. Loved all of your goodies in your booth.
    I am enjoying the purchases I got from you.
    Take care.

  5. Congrats on your rug sales!! Looks like it was a fun show. Happy March birthdays. :)

  6. congrats on your sales always so exciting. Happy birthday all the way around.

  7. Happy Birthday, Lauren! Looks like a fun all the wool in that one booth and, of course, the lovely stack you brought home. Sweet bunny, too!

  8. Birthday Wishes, what a great show, so many prim goodies....Love your bunny, adorable, Hugs Francine.

  9. Happy Birthday again Lauren, and Happy Birthday to Jake.
    What a great show. Congratulations on selling two rugs. With shows, you never can tell...

    We are bracing for another big snow storm. Anybody in the snow plowing business should have made lots of money this year. I hope that the snow will miss you.

    I love,love love Teresa'a prints, what a talent....

  10. So glad you had some sales and brought home moola to spend at rug camp. Love the wools you took home, I have those same ones and like each and every one.

  11. Happy Birthday !!! The show looks really nice & great you sold 2 rugs !!! You always need to reward yourself with a little something while doing a show , I call them Souvenirs ! Your house looks beautiful , love your Grandfathers clock !!!

  12. Happy Birthday to all! March is a busy month is our family as well.Congrats on your rug sales! Thanks so much for sharing the lovely show pics!Be blessed,Jen

  13. What fun and March is a big month for birthdays here as well.
    I think that show looks wonderful. I would have been hard pressed to not go crazy, and being next to a lady selling wool would have been fantastic.
    I think that is so good you sold some rugs.
    Have a nice week.

  14. Birthday Wishes all around! Looks like it was a great show,glad you came out ahead.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  15. Lauren,
    You were a very good girl, I doubt I would have had such self control! LOL! Happy birthday to everyone!!!! OLM

  16. I'm so glad you had a good show. It does make you feel good when you sell a hooked piece. Happy belated birthdays to all.

  17. glad you had a successful show and that you had fun and a profit is just a big plus. Love the rugs you showed in the prior post. I've been away at rug camp and missed it. Cheers Mel

  18. Happy birthday Lauren! So glad to hear you had a good show. Sorry I didn't have much of a chance to visit, felt like a chicken with my head cut off! Hope you'll mark your calendar for September 6! Talk soon, Dawn

  19. Hi, again, Lauren,
    It's a really good thing that I never get to go to these shows. I see too much that I want! I always love to see a glimpse of your home. I think you might have the some kind of wood floors that I do, they look like oak, do you have poly on them or what? How do you take care of them?


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)