Sunday, January 26, 2014

Numbers ~

Number of days until spring.
* * *
Number of days in a row that I worked.
We have been down one person in the office since June.
I am SO FAR behind and
annual reports are due this week.
Even with all the extra days I worked and
hours I worked over,
I will be hard pressed to get the reports done.
SIGH . . .
* * *
Our predicted low Monday night.
* * *
Our predicted Tuesday high.
* * *
Number of lavender sachets finished.
I hope to finish the last three this evening 
but am not sure that will happen :)

I hope everyone is staying as toasty as possible.  I know I am not alone in this, but I am so tired of winter.  I hate the cold and the older I get the more I hate it.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Pretty colors! Hopefully you can relax a little more after this week!

  2. You have really been busy with hearts and love all the different shades you have made them.


  3. We sure have had a hard Jan. here in No OH. Sorry to hear you are having to work so much. It gets in the way of having fun.

  4. Hi Lauren, love those. Hooked hearts, so pretty.....Cold and a long winter it seems, waiting and wishing Spring, Francine.

  5. A woman full of HEART! And I love them all. Sorry you've had to work so hard but the pay check will make you 'happy, happy, happy' when you see it.

    You previously mentioned filling them with lavender buds and am wondering where you purchased it.


  6. The hooked hearts are very nice! This harsh winter will make us appreciate spring even more.

  7. We usually have cold but this has been crazy we usually have days in the 30's so you can get out and and about and not freeze but that is not the case this year. I am ready for spring.
    love your hearts.

  8. I sure love your heart sachets Lauren! It's a really hard time of year to stay motivated and even harder with the beastly winter this year! Hang in there... I predict an early Spring... did I just say that?!! LOL!!
    Cathy G

  9. I am impressed with your numbers but what they mean just seems so hard, that cold is so shocking to me. I ponder how does one stay warm with it that cold? Then working that many days in a row, not good but your lovely hearts are wonderful. I am sending you lots of warm thoughts.

  10. I'm counting the numbers of day to Spring to. My heart feels for you. It doesn't seems fair to be so burden. I'm not impressed with winter either this year. I didn't used to mind it but as I get older and the electricity is so costly, I don't put the heat as high as I used to and I feel colder.

    You got lots of heart sachets done and they are beautiful.

    I hope that you'll get a boost of energy and that you'll get all the reports done on time. I'll be thinking about you.

  11. Your hearts look perfect. I'm sick of the cold and I've worked way too much overtime lately myself. And getting caught up on reports is never gonna happen. I'm counting down to spring with you (through chattering teeth)

  12. Such wonderful hearts and boy you have been working a lot of days. Hope you get a much needed break soon. Wishing you a warmer week!

  13. You must be one proficient gal ! Working all of those days and still making time for those lovely hooked hearts. Just beautiful ;)

  14. Hope all those days you worked overtime add up to a really fun vacation during the summer.
    Can we hope that this next frigid blast will be the last???
    It's pathetic when 25 degrees seems warm!

  15. I left work last night and it was 32*...what a tease! I love cold and snow but will be happy to see the end of it this season...looks like it's time for some part time help at work...

    hope you get some rest soon

  16. Love your hearts...great variety of colors! We're headed to Tallahassee in the morning and they are expecting snow! Annie is hoping she'll get to see it, but it won't last and will probably be over by the time we get there.
    Hope you get a break soon and can put your feet up and enjoy a cup of something good and hot!

  17. very nice! I love your pugs they are so adorable, I am looking into getting one, just pricing up the pet insurance now

  18. Those hearts are darling!Good job,hugs cheri


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