Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Just a Worker Bee ~

I'm just a worker bee.  I don't tell the plow drivers how or where to plow.  Call me and report a problem and I will pass it on to the Street Commissioner.  I will add it to the spreadsheet of streets needing attention.  Please don't yell at me. It does no good to swear at me.  Yesterday was a really tough day.  Thankfully today was better. Some people can be so nasty.  I understand they are frustrated, but they have to realize I can't solve their issue ~ I can only pass it along to someone who can.  

The other day I had a 30% coupon for Kohl's. What a racket.  I'm to the point where I don't like to shop there with only a 15% coupon and if it's not on sale, I won't even consider buying it.  Since I had the coupon, I decided to treat myself to this.  

Well, it didn't even last two days and I was the only one eating it.  I have absolutely NO willpower.  I guess I won't be buying any more again soon.

Finally finished the lavender sachets.  I must say I am quite proud of myself for actually finishing them.  I should reward myself with some chocolate, right?  Oh, wait, I already did that.

Hope you are staying warm and that this deep freeze will end soon.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. This weather makes most everyone want to curl up with a furry friend, something wool, and chocolate!! Yes! chocolate! That's what the grumpy people need!

  2. You should eat one chocolate for every heart you finished. Lol. I had one of those days too. Apparently I wasn't a good "people person" today. Whatever! Pfft

  3. Hopefully this deep freeze is only going to last one more day. I will take the cold over snow any day. I don't have to shovel cold.. Welcome to No. Ohio.

  4. You need that chocolate just to keep warm these days. Way to go girl, you got them all done. and they are beautiful. Mmmmm, smells good too. My fave scent...

    If you think that you are getting a lot of complaints about this winter, just think what God is putting up with these days. Everyone is complaining, lol.

    I would eat the whole chocolate at one sitting if I had to listen to nasty people complaining...
    Stay warm and safe.
    Big Hugs,

  5. Lauren,

    So sorry, why do people have to be so nasty? Does it really make them feel better? UGH! Yes, chocolate! lots of it! Love your sachets!!! OLM

  6. I know Lauren, don't get nasty people.....But yes, I do get chocolate, yummy, Blessings Francine.

  7. Your sachets are so beautiful!
    I am sorry about nasty people. I work with the public too, in a pharmacy so they are usually sick so I get a lot of nastiness too...grin and bear it I guess but not always easy.
    Have a great rest of the week
    Be blessed,

  8. Love the bowl full of hearts. Nicely done.

  9. you aren't the only one who gets yelled at or cursed over the phone. love the hearts.

  10. Hugs to you.
    You deserve the reward.
    LOVE your hearts.

  11. Your heart sachets look so cute lined up in the bowl and bet they smell delicious too. Perhaps not as delicious as the chocolate tho.

    I'm sick to death of the snow as we had more last night too. Am also sick of the 'deep freeze' and want the arctic air to move on.


  12. Your bowl of hearts is just wonderful. I am so sorry that you get yelled at. That has to be so hard,
    I hope you get a warm up soon too.

  13. The hearts looks wonderful! I never thought to buy candy with the coupon. I'll get you for that.

  14. oh I would hate to answer the phone at work yikes! we did the same with a bag of chocolate here only we argued on who at the least neither of us wanted to be short changed.
    love love love your hearts such a great job.

  15. Just think, Lauren....next week we'll be getting ready for rug hooking heaven!!!! Too bad Katie doesn't have her massage therapist friend with her on this trip...we could all use one!

  16. There are certainly some trying people out there. Just love how all your hearts turned out!

  17. Big hugs to you! So sorry that people are taking their frustrations out on you! You deserve a little extra chocolate my friend.Love those hearts!! Hugs,Jen

  18. People do seem to have shorter fuses these days...and someone MUST be to blame when life gets frustrating!

    Congrats for finishing so many sachets...beautiful!

    Hugs, Linda


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