Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hooker's Crack ~

Don't you just love that term?  (It's something I stole from Kim over at Millie's Mats.)  My wool from Rebecca Erb arrived yesterday.  Beautiful :) Now if I'd just get something on my frame to hook . . . sigh.

Next week the mailer will arrive from Betsy. Nobody ever said hooking was a cheap hobby.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.  
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi, Lauren,
    Are you sick of winter yet?? haha! Beautiful new wool, the blue matches your feather edge!

  2. There is just something about new wool that we can't resist;)


  3. A girl can never have too much wool!! It's a sickness!! LOL! Love your wool. Mine was delivered yesterday.

  4. Yeah, I think that Kim came up with a good description of our addiction. You can never have enough in your stash.Don't you just love to touch it now and then. I like running my fingers through my wool. It feels so soft and comforting.
    Great colors.

  5. we stitchers have out "crack" too! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I L.O.V.E. candy, but when the wool arrives in the mail.
    Get's all mine and needs a prominate place in the house so I can just stare at it !!! lol

  7. I love your wool.
    I too have a wool addiction.
    Oh my I love your woolie hearts too.
    Have a warm woolie day.

  8. Yum! I see lots of great rugs in that pile of wool! Love your hooked hearts!

  9. Morning Lauren, such beautiful wool, love the colors you choice, Blessings Francine.

  10. Have you been to one of Rebecca's sales? Oh my! A wool buying frenzy! What fun! Enjoy!

  11. Hahaha, it's so pretty. I love just staring at a pile of new hookers crack and imagining all the possibilities. I have 2 bags of new Betsy wool that came in December and she has more new wools on the site. So far I am being strong but it is so hard. Lol

  12. This time I only purchased the red wool but wanted more. There's so much wool in my room that needs to be used up that it doesn't make sense for me to buy it just because I like it. Or does it?

    Looking forward to Betsy's flyer too and know that I'm ordering some.


  13. That is beautiful wool, you know of course, I wanted a hobby so bad so I could put on my sidebar that I was a hooker. (rug) I thought it would be such a kick. Yes, I love the hooker crack too. I guess you could say it appeals to my humor to be a hooker. Yes, you can't believe all of the wool (will) power I have now that I need wool, every time I don't go to Starbucks I drop five bucks in my wool can. I have all of these silly games I play because being able to buy wool is the best thing I do. I measure every thing that way too, Nope, I don't need that, it will buy 3 yards of wool. :)
    Yep, I like that beautiful wool you have. Have a wonderful day Lauren.

  14. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing like stash!!!!!!!!

  15. Had to laugh at that one! Good term to describe our wool addiction!

  16. I always enjoy your posts Lauren and I've missed many. I went on back and looked to see what you have been doing and you have been heart crazy!! I love them finished off. Great idea.

  17. I have come to the realization that I am addicted to fabric, both wool and cotton. Just can't seem to stop buying.

  18. Oo-la-la-laaaa! Yummy colors.

  19. Couldn't help but read this post......haha. I could call my fabric stash "Quilter's crack"
    I can see you hooking something wonderful with those gorgeous wools.

  20. Having a moment of wool envy here;-). LOVE Rebecca's wool!! I know you will be turning out many more wonderful items soon, Lauren. Thanks for all the inspiration and enjoyment your blog brings!

    Big hugs!


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