Thursday, January 30, 2014

Almost Friday ~

It has been a very long week.  I've worked over every day.  The reports are close to being done.  I just need a little more information from the crew leaders and then hopefully I can get them printed and distributed to the powers that be.  I hate being so far behind.  Once these are done, I need to work on the mounds of paperwork hiding my desk.  Bills need to be paid.  LOTS of bills.  2013 paperwork needs to be filed.  ACK!  I am tired of being stressed but remember, stressed spelled backwards is desserts :)

Does this look familiar?  I hooked this with hand torn strips and added a proddy edge.  If you'd like a chance to call it your own, leave me a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  I will choose a winner in a few days . . . Monday or Tuesday at the latest.  My only "rule" is that you must contact me within three days or I will pick a new name.  (Oh, and please don't mention this on your blog.  It's for people who are actually reading my blog.)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like you are very busy these days but always find time to make wonderful pieces. Love how you did the edge and the blue and white colors, very nice piece for Valentines.


  2. What a sweet mat. It certainly would look right at home on my kitchen table. :)

  3. Oh My Lauren- how wonderful of you to give this away- it is great!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Don't worker bees hibernate? Well....if I were you, that's what I'd be doing....Oh....never mind....I am. Sorry to hear you're swamped....but it looks like you're very productive when you're stressed, eh? I love all those little lavender sachets you whipped up (and way to overcome your finishing phobia!!) Your little giveaway mat is wonderful....I know I should politely decline entering my name since I've been such a horrid blog buddy...but it's too dang sweet....sorry! Put me in, put me in!!! Heard your neck of the woods might be in for some more nasty weather....Hope it changes its mind (mind you, don't want it changing its mind and coming OUR way tho)....I think we've all had enough already....But I'm learning what I think really doesn't usually mean a tinker's dam..... Happy Friday...Happy Weekend....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Busy days keeps you always active.
    Happy weekend!!

  7. I would love to win. It's beautiful. I love your blog and I have a 7 yr old female pug. They are the best. Happy hooking. Sorry you have to work so much

  8. Oh pick me cause I love hearts.. This winter has been a real trip.. Remember Spring will come back, it always does....

  9. This is lovely and I'ld love the opportunity to be included in this giveaway ! Hope you have a relaxing weekend after a long hard work week ;)

  10. Oh my Lauren try to find some time for yourself, even if just a few minutes. I'd love a chance at the sweet mat. Warm Blessings! Amy

  11. Lauren,I would love to win it! I've always wanted something hooked.Denise[]

  12. Such a cute mat!!! No need to enter me in the have much more faithful readers than I. But, it is darling! Hope you get your work done so that you are not so stressed...and eat lots of desserts in the meantime! ~grin~

  13. Hope you get a day off and some well deserved rest before too long. We are feeling this cold, cold winter here in the Sunshine State as well. Love the your heart mat...please include me!

  14. Hi Lauren, you really need a break, working way to much..... Love the sweet mat, please enter my name in your wonderful giveaway, Blessings Francine.

  15. Give yourself a big pat on the back! You are appreciated, even if no one says it!

  16. Nice heart mat! Please include me in your giveaway. I always read and enjoy your blog! Hope you get some rest soon!

  17. sounds like you have a hectic schedule like i do -it never ends love the heart mat please enter me in a chance to win thanks

  18. Lauren, I think that you deserves a big hug for getting so much done even though you are swamped with deadline reports to make, you even think of a giveaway. I would love to WIN this cute Valentine rug but I'm won a give away from you before. Thanks.

  19. Well I hope you get your just 'desserts' for all the long hours you've put in at work. Guess you'll need Brinks to escort you and your paycheck to the bank.

    I'd love to own one of your hooked items and would like to be added to the many who will also want to covet it.


  20. Please enter me in your give away. I'm a wannabe rug hooker, there aren't any classes in my area. I guess I just need to jump in with the help of the internet.

  21. Please enter me in the drawing for your lovely mat. I've been reading your blog for some time now and am awe of your hooking, ready to take a class in March so I, too, can be a hooker lol! As far as your work life, don't forget to breathe!

  22. What a pretty mat, with proddy edges to boot. I would love to win it. It looks so rich! Thanks for your blog, which I really enjoy.

  23. What a simple and sweet valentine mat and very warm colors. Please enter me in your give-away. ... jan r.

  24. I would LOVE to win this wonderful mat! Please throw my name in the hat, and then pick it out next week! ;)

  25. Sorry work has been so stressful Lauren - hope you get caught up soon and can relax a little. Love the proddy fringe on your little mat - please don't include me in your drawing since I already have one of your darling hearts.

  26. Hi, Lauren,
    Sorry about all your hard work, you need another box of chocolates :) Of course, I love your heart mat. Please enter my name.

  27. Year end can always be stressful...hoping soon you can have a lil you time...I love your heart mat and would love to be kind of you...have a great weekend hugs lil raggedy Angie

  28. I am so sorry you have had to work such long, long hours. I do hope it comes to an end soon. Your rug is lovely, I would love to be entered.

  29. Don't you just live for weekends?! Oh, wait, Lauren, it sounds like your job has ooozed over into your weekends...bummer. Here's hoping your work schedule gets back to a reasonable pace soon...although I'm AMAZED at how much you accomplish even with the killer work week!

    I would LOVE a chance to win your wonderful mat. Thank you so much.
    Hugs, Linda

  30. I hope you have a relaxing weekend and a week of no snow and above freezing temps! I love the rug!

  31. Your mat has captured my heart....please consider me in your generous giveaway.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)