Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday's Random Stuff ~

Aren't these just the two sweetest girls ever? That's about as close as they ever sit (with my encouragement) unless they are both on one lap.

And how about this cutie?  Friday we went to Boo at the (Cleveland) Zoo.  We had great fun.  Jake just loves those muscle-y costumes.  This is at least the third year he has had one.  Thankfully the weather wasn't as cold as I expected, but I was wearing my Uggs and super heavy, long winter coat.  I am such a wuss.  

LOVE the Koala exhibit!

Progress has been slow on my snow guy.  For as quickly as I hooked the last mat, I thought I would be done with this in no time at all, but I started it a week ago and today is the first day I feel I've made any progress.  It's not that big!  (12 1/2" x 13 1/2")  I did skinny up his nose a bit and I'm not putting the snowflakes in the background.  

Do you have a task that you absolutely hate doing around the house?  Mine is replacing the screens with storm windows in my doors.  I have four exit doors with a total of 6 screens, and every spring and fall I put off switching them.  It has been on my to-do list for weeks and I finally made myself do it today.  Even with washing all the windows, it really didn't take that long.  I am just happy to have it done!

I'm not sure if it's just me, but leaves seem to be changing slowly this year.  My burning bush has just started to turn . . .

. . . and I have a lone Black Eyed Susan still in bloom.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Aww...Jake is so cute! Looks like he had a great time! Weather has been cool up here too...but I really like it. I still hooking on my pillow...seems like it;s taking me forever..see you on Saturday!

  2. You have 3 sweet little halloweeners there. Jake looked like he had a blast.
    My rug is going nowhere fast. Think I might switch projects (again)

  3. Jake is a real cutie Lauren, as are those two pups...A few years ago we invested in new screen/combination doors, The screen slides down inside the door and the glass slides up...or the glass slides down and the screen slides up...So easy...Have a great week...

  4. Evening Lauren, sweet trick and treaters, jake's costume is really great...loads of fun, Blessint Francine.

  5. Love Jake's costume and what a fun place for a halloween party. I hate people who mess up the house as fast as I clean it, lol.


  6. Well at least it is done all of your storm doors. I don't understand I am sorry, I think it sounds interesting. Is it because your storms get so hard? Or to keep it warmer. Sorry I am so nosy. Your trip looks wonderful and I like that costume, I think my grandsons will show up in the same kind of suits.
    I like your snowman. I have never done a snowman before. I should try it. Have a great week.

  7. Love kids in their costumes. He is adorable. Love the red hair! Maria

  8. I love Koala bears. So cute. Looks like Jake had fun at the Boo and you had fun in Uggs.

  9. It is such a silly, magical time when the kids get all excited about dressing up. Love seeing all the kids in their costumes! Lookin' good Jake....and the pooches too!

  10. Horay! Jake pictures! I love to see what he dresses in each year. Gosh, he's getting tall!
    Cute shot of the doggies too!
    What a cool thing to have Halloween at the zoo.

  11. I think that Jake's costume is the bomb even though he had competition from the two furry cuties.With those muscles, I'd like to have him on my side, lol.
    What fun that trip to the zoo must have been even though it was on the cool side.

    Most of our trees are now bare and we are getting frost on the ground now. It won't be long now before I start complaining of the snow.

    It's OK to take a wee break from hooking. Great job of getting your screen doors chore done.

    Have a great week.

  12. I think Jake had a blast! Much better then switching out the screens! I think you have at least a week? LOL... Love your snowman rug! I am so hoping to try hooking this winter!! OLM

  13. Jake looks too cute in his costume! The little puppers looked perfectly adorable, too, Lauren.

    I can relate to your slow hooking progress...I can't seem to accomplish anything lately and I don't know why. I need to get busy...sigh.

    Hugs, Linda

  14. I have a lot of chores I hate. we are getting cold but a mini warm up for the end of the week.
    I love your sweet dogs.


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