Tuesday, October 29, 2013

At Long Last ~

It's already been a year since my son painted the spare room and I turned it in to my new hooking room.  I didn't show it before because I wanted to get the cupboard hung.  Then my excuse was the rugs weren't hung, and for months the excuse was that the wool cupboards weren't organized.  I finally decided if I waited until the wool was organized, you would never get to see it.
The room is larger than my previous hooking room, but once I got everything in, not as large as I thought it was.  I wanted to "float" the couch in the middle of the room and put the antique table behind it as a place where I could keep my sewing machine out, but the room was just not wide enough.  The room is only 10' x 13 1/2', but in it I have 5 antique cupboards, the table, a tool box used as a coffee table (didn't show that, just too much of a mess!), and a hanging cupboard.  
Here goes . . .

I've lived here for almost 14 years and still don't have any window treatments made.  
Some day . . . sigh.

My flock of sheep is growing, but as you can see,
many of them have leg "issues".

Will I ever get the wool organized?
It would make color planning so much easier.

Sweet little hanging cupboard ~
a newer cupboard made with old wood.
A gift from friend Bobbie, the Evening Stitcher.
My small collection of 

toy sewing machines above
and an antique sampler below.

Treasures from friends, some who I have met
and some only known through blogging,
but friends nonetheless.

Ellie's favorite spot.

The rugs I have hanging.

Pattern by Red House Wool Studio,
Cathy Greschner - Orange Sink.

Magdalena Briner inspired rug.

Wendy Miller, the Red Saltbox

Patterns by Star Rug Company,
Woolley Fox
and Heavens to Betsy.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a great hooking room Lauren. Don't worry, I don't have window treatments up in my sewing room yet either. I do have the fabric though.

  2. The room is just perfect!
    I like the 'lack' of window treatment. It has a feel that reminds me of the clean, spare Shaker style of living.
    Those little antique sewing machines are delightful.
    You have created a lovely and peaceful place that will be an inspiration for your creativity.

  3. Your room is great!!!! Love thos rugs too Lauren.

  4. A very cozy room for hooking! Gorgeous rugs and furniture... I really like that table you have your cutter attached to...

  5. I agree, love the room, so many great pieces of furniture, sweet hanging cupboard.....your rugs are beautiful, Blessings Francine.

  6. It's always fun to visit someone's space to create. And, yeah, aren't the rooms always smaller once we start filling them? Love your furniture...and rugs.

  7. Ooooh...aaaah...it all looks very inviting!

  8. A great hooking room. Love being surrounded by all the things that you love! Thanks for sharing your hooked rugs, I need to put the Woolley Fox rug on my to do list!!

  9. I think your hooking room is delightful, colorful and comfy place to be. Makes me want to hang a collage of my rugs on walls now.

    Since it is Halloween time there should be plenty of gauze packaged to sell. You could always drape a swag across the top and down the sides of the window. Maybe even dunk it in tea first to mellow the whiteness a bit. But the room still looks like a nice place to be even without a window treatment.


  10. Oh my gosh, Lauren!!! Your room is beautiful!! I love all of your primitive cupboards and your rugs are wonderful! It's amazing how big a room looks when it's empty...I have the same problem! I love your little collection of sewing machines...I have one. Your couch looks so comfortable..I don't blame your sweet little dog.....I'd lay there all day too! See you on Saturday...

  11. A wonderful room for creating. I love that it's filled with all the things you love. Your rugs, antiques and especially handmade gifts from friends. I think that's such an inspiration to have around you when you work or play:) Hugs, Nan

  12. loverly room my friend ~ but may I ask...is there such a thing as 'organized' wool? I play waaaaay too much in mine for it to be ever organized!
    Loving your li'l sheep ~ look like a perfect room to me :)

  13. Lauren I love your room!! I think it is just lovely and I love that couch. I like all of your cupboards and your wool just shows the creativity at work. I think you did a very nice job. I would love to walk around and look at things in there. It is very nice. Thank you for sharing.

  14. Oh Lauren...what a fun room! Love everything. Your cupboards, rugs the way you have it all displayed. Just perfect. Thank you for showing us. P.S. who cares if you don't have curtains up yet....rug hooking is much more important! Hugs, Lori

  15. Love it all! The warm tone of your wood furniture is so inviting and your sheep display is awesome, so cute.


  16. Hi Lauren,
    What a thrill to see the 1820 Sunflower all done and hanging in your wool room! I'm so honored to have a design among the talent that is shown! Gosh when you said you had 5 cupboards in a 10 by 13 room I thought to myself... how'd she do that? Now I see you even have room to walk around! It's wonderful! Have you called the wool organizer fairy yet to come fold all that wool? LOL! Would I love to come get my boney claws on that stash!!
    Enjoy that room Lauren... may creative energies and happiness fill the days you spend there!!
    Cathy G

  17. A wonderful space for you Lauren, love all of those beautiful cupboards your finished rugs. So glad that you shared.

  18. I love how you have decorated your home, prim and cozy.
    I still have empty windows too, lol.


  19. Wow Lauren - What a treat to invite us all in for a visit to your hooking room. I loved seeing your cupboards, your wool and sheep, and your rugs displayed so nicely. Also fun to see the little pug quilt I made for you hanging there. Thanks so much for all the great pictures - wish I could stop by in person some time....

  20. Hi Lauren,
    Your post was fun - I love seeing where people sit and enjoy doing their craft. You have a nice space now....thanks for sharing it with us (finally...lol)

  21. loved seeing your new hooking studio Laruren - it's great and who need wool organization! Love all your neat cupboards, how cool and your collections WOW and your rug double WOW - awesome stuff - thanks for inviting us in. Take care Mel

  22. Hi, Lauren,
    I just love your hooking room. All the antique cupboards...oh, my...they are to die for! I love all the rugs you have hanging and on the floor, and your "spot" looks so comfortable, and room for dear Ellie too!! You have so many wonderful treasures...you need to share more pictures!

  23. Thanks for showing us! I love your cupboards they are gorgeous. I love the word wool spelled out with the old stamp letters.

  24. Really nice! Great sofa and your hooks on the wall just set it all off nicely. Corner cupboard made me go out into the car for a piece of candy.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)