Saturday, October 19, 2013

Little Kitty ~

A couple weeks ago I blogged about this little kitty that was maybe a day old and found in the shop at work.  You can read about it here.

Meet four week old Nova.  She has survived (yippee) and thrived.  She no longer comes to work, so Nora, who rescued her, sent me these pictures.  I am happy to report she is doing great and will not be adopted out.  Nora can't bear to part with her.  Look at those eyes.  Thanks, Nora, for saving this little one's life :)

And speaking of Novas, do you remember the Chevy Nova from the 60's and 70's?

DSO is retired from the General Motors Proving Grounds in Milford, MI.  He has a great story about the Nova.  It was marketed in Mexico and totally bombed.  The reason?  In Spanish, "no va"  means "doesn't go".  Whodda thunk?

I finally did it today.  I turned on the furnace.  UGH!  It is cold (45 degrees), wet and dreary. The first time is always the hardest . . . lol!  Now I must say, I spend most of my time in the hooking room or the spare room where I have my desktop and in each of those rooms I have a small space heater that I've been using for weeks, and at night the electric blanket is on.  Cold and I DO NOT get along.

Thanks for much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Bless sweet little Nova and her new owner, that is great.....and love the muscle car, my Son would freak seeing that Nova......We have had the heat on here now for about a month, not called Winterpeg for nothing, :) Blessings Francine.

  2. I am so glad she is doing well and has a forever home.
    I am still holding off on the heat, lol.


  3. Great news about the little kitty. Another happy ending. My very first car was a 1975 brown Chevy nova. It was falling apart but I convinced Mom I needed a car for university. We split the cost $300, so you know it was a junker. Lol

  4. I'm so happy to hear the dear kitty survived and is thriving. No wonder your friend can't bear to adopt her out, she is her MOMMY for gawd' sake. She nursed her to health.

    OMG, I broke down and turned on my heat today too since it was the dampness which chills me when temps drop. But the thermostat is set low, just warm enough to take off the chill.


  5. Awww!!! what a sweet kitty and sweet it has a home. So tiny!!!!
    Cool story about the Nova Lauren....hugs....Earlene
    See you in 2 weeks!

  6. What a dear little kitty! I can see why Nora would want to keep her. Blessings to both of them!

  7. So glad that the kitty made it, Nora did a fantastic job of caring for that kitty.
    Great story on The Chevy Nova...
    We had a fire in the wood stove yesterday. Today was warm and sunny, what a contrast.

    Have a happy Weekend.

  8. Oh so glad the sweet little kitty has a furever home! Interesting story on the Nova.... they don't make them like that anymore!
    The furnace has been on a couple of times here too since last week... and the forecast is for flurries and possible accumulation. Summer just keeps getting shorter all the time it seems!!
    Cathy G

  9. Well Lauren, I would trade, I am ready for cold!!! I still am wearing shorts and not happy about it either. I am so glad that little kitty survived. She looks so cute. I loved the story about the Nova. That is so cute.
    I do hope you have a lovely Sunday.

  10. If that isn't a cute cat I don't know what is. Aren't her ears crazy cute? I've never seen ears like that on a kitty. I'm so happy that your friend will keep her. Who could resist that face, I ask you? We turned the heat on a couple of weeks ago, just for the nights. It's been warm the past week, but it was cold brrr in here this morning, so it's on now.
    I loved your post and story.
    ps I use your keychain all the time, the sterling flatware handle stamped "wool". Everyone asks about it.

  11. She is purrrfectly ADORABLE!!! I know I've been a crappy blogger, but I must have time it right and actually remember reading that post. I've thought of that kitten often since then, but was afraid to ask whether she made it or not.. YAY!!! And bless Nora's heart!! Yeah, I remember the Novas.... My first car was actually a Chevy Volare. Eeek. ;-) Smiles & Furry Hugs ~ Robin

  12. It's rare for them to survive when abandoned after birth. Obviously meant to be. She is a sweetie and already has Nora's big heart.

  13. Oh....and the heat thing???? It's been on for a good long while already here in Nod...... (Come to think of it, I'm not sure it ever got turned off this summer....) (And, shhh....don't repeat it, but today we actually had some of that "white stuff...." Didn't stick around, but was enough to make me head for the covers....) r

  14. So happy to see how much this sweet little kitty has grown! She is such a cutie!

  15. Oh she is doing so well! We broke down and put the heat on last week! ugh!!! but hopefully today a little yard work! OLM

  16. What a sweet kitty - so happy she was rescued! she looks happy and well-loved! No furnace on here yet - i'm still wearing sandals (okay i[m pushing it but until there is frost!). I actually had a 1970 Nova - baby blue! I remember being able to stand inside it to change the oil - unlike the cars nowaways where you have to get it changed!

  17. What a sweet little glad Nora has given her a good home...cold is my favorite temperature...if not for mom the windows would be open and no heat until it's in the 30's...

  18. What a sweetie.
    I knew she wouldn't be able to part with her.
    I've rescued three kittens and saved their lives.
    Funny thing is that they blessed mine.
    What a bond.
    Woolie Blessings

  19. Nova is an adorable little fuzzball!! So happy she has a wonderful, caring home. Thanks for the cheerful post, Lauren...hope it is warmer at your house today.

    Hugs, Linda

  20. What a sweet kitten, I am happy to read she has found a forever home with Nora...Funny tidbit about the Nova...when my brother and I were small my parents owned a white Chevy Nova station wagon...Autumn greetings...

  21. Aw so glad kitty is doing well and that she is going to keep her. Great news !


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