Thursday, October 17, 2013

Great Progress ~

Do you sometimes feel totally in a blog slump? Like you have nothing to write about?  That totally be me : )  But since I feel I NEED to post, here goes . . .

I've been a hookin' fool this week.  I've really tried hard to spend an hour or so (which for me is a lot) each night working on my rug and here's the progress I've made.  I'm using mostly an 8.5 and 9 cut, so it is hooking up quickly.  Just the background and I can cross one Christmas gift off the list.  Well, I'll still have the binding to do but maybe, just maybe, the binding fairy will show up : )

This evening I needed to get a couple pictures of Ellie and I thought taking new ones would be easier than searching through the hundreds of photos on my camera that have never been downloaded.  WRONG!  Now this girl knows how to sit, but every time I told her to sit, she just fell over for a belly rub.  

She was a bit more co-operative once I bribed her with a treat.

She really is a sweet girl and I know her momma Judy is smiling down on us and that makes me feel really, really good :)

It has been a very long, busy week at work and I am thankful tomorrow is Friday . . . and payday.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs : )



  1. You have been a busy hooker. It looks great. Nice colors. Ellie is so sweet. I'm so happy you kept her

  2. That is a beautiful rug, love the design and the wools you used. I think Ellie likes to pose for the camera.


  3. Love your rug Lauren.... the colors are wonderful! I wish I could just post like you do when in a blogging slump! I'm trying to pull myself out of a long one!!
    Miss Ellie looks so contented! She has a good Momma now!!
    Cathy G

  4. Your rug is teriffic, Lauren...LOVE your colors! I also suffer from blog "block" regularly...can't get enough hooking done to have new rugs to post about. I'm sure it happens to most bloggers. By way of encouragement, I LOVE reading your blog and look forward to your posts! Hang in there :-)

    Ellie is too cute!
    Hugs, Linda

  5. Your rug is lovely! I am struggling with finding the right cut for me. My loops are still shaggy looking. Practice, practice, practice....I know. :)

  6. You sure did make some progress Lauren! What a wonderful gift it will be. Love the colors you chose. Ellie is a little sweety. Hugs, Lori

  7. Love your rug.. and if you get the name of that "binding fairy" pass it along to the rest of us , ok.

    Have a great weekend.

  8. beautiful rug my Friend! ( and if you can catch that binding fairy, put her in an envelope & ship her to me please!)
    Sweet, sweet little Ellie ~ give her a pooch-smooch from us here at the farm!

  9. Yes, I also get in a blog slump so know of what you speak (write). But it looks like you have accomplished lots of hooking during that slump so it isn't all bad. When that binding fairie leaves your house sent it here to finish binding my Lollipop Bouquet. TGIF.


  10. I REALLY love that rug Lauren and it's all about the colors you chose to use!!!

  11. You rug is beautiful and I think Ellie is such a wonderful little dog. I have been in a blog slump too. I just can't think of anything to write.
    I hope you have a lovely Friday.

  12. You are hooking like the wool was on fire, wow, you have been productive with those loops. Your rug looks really nice. I totally understand the blogging slump.

    Ellie looks so sweet.

    Happy weekend to you.

  13. Yes, yes, I've been in that kinda slump. Either I have nothing to write about, or all I have to write about are bad news. But occasionally a breakthrough comes!

  14. Lauren Blog slump... not enough hours in the day... I don't know what it is... but I am with you! NOW!!! I love that rug! it is beautiful! Ella is a doll!!! OLM

  15. I will bind for you if you hook for me??? You have been a lil' hooking fool, haven't you?? Woo hoo! You go girl!! Love the colors! Me...well, the last two weeks I, too, was a hooking fool (believe it or not). This week, I'm just a fool. ;o) As for the blogging slump thing....I don't know I get into "slumps" (cuz Lord only knows I never seem to be short on things to gab about)....just that I can't keep up with anything anymore these days....even my thoughts! Been thinking of you - hoping all is well. Smiles & Hooky Hugs ~ Robin

  16. Each loop you pulled on this looks so perfect - your work is beautiful!

  17. Ellie looks like the sweetest dog !!! LOVE the rug!!!!!!!!

  18. I can totally relate to being in a blog slump. You did get a lot of hooking done! Love the pictures of Ellie, so cute!

  19. Lauren,
    Your rug is great! Can I borrow your binding fairy? I only need her for about a month!!!


  20. Hi Lauren,
    Love the colors in your rug!!
    Ellie is so adorable!


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