Sunday, September 15, 2013

Skunkfest ~

Skunkfest???  Yes, you read that correctly, Skunkfest.  The 12th annual Skunkfest was held in North Ridgeville, Ohio, yesterday.  The weather actually co-operated this year.  The previous two years Mother Nature was not so kind.  Believe it or not, there are lots of skunk lovers out there. In fact, they came from as far away as Florida and New York, and National Geographic and Discovery were there filming.  Grandson Jake, Loocie the pug and I came to work the Ohio Pug Rescue Booth.

Not me . . . and not Loocie :)

Surprisingly, skunks come in many colors ~ though not the blue of this picture.  I'm not sure what is going on with my camera.



Jake having his caricature drawn.  

He even had her add his spider.

A very talented young lady studying to be an early education teacher.  

Sorry I didn't draw the winner of the button bracelet yet.  Soon.  I promise.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. who knew that there would be a skunk fest.
    It made me laugh for sure.
    that jake is growing like a weed.

  2. That is so funny and if it wern't for the smell, they are sort of cute, lol.
    We have one that is coming around at night, I hit him with my flashlight and he kept doing his thing and could care less about me. He is digging too many holes though, my yard looks like someone has been excavating.


  3. That a good use of a skunk. I'm glad that someone loves them. It's not for me but they do look pretty innocent in these pictures.
    I still vaguely have the remembrance of a sprayed cat so I'll pass and even the dead skunk on the side of the road that fills my car with her skunky odour.

    The blue tint in your photos sounds like a white imbalance according to Google.. I'm not sure how you could change the settings.

    Have a great week.

  4. Hi Lauren, I think they are sweet but not smelling, like their little faces.....Looks like fun, thanks for sharing Skunkfest, Blessings Francine.

  5. I remember when I was little some friends had 2 skunks as pets.Apparently they can take the stink spray thing out. LoL I'll stick with

  6. Who knew there was a skunkfest, but they deserve some love too!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Well I wish I was there. I would have loved to have learned about them, Your button bracelets are wonderful. I just won the spoon necklace so I won't be greedy and enter this one, but I did want you to know I love them.
    It looks like a fun afternoon. I never thought about that many people liking skunks. Even though my Mom had one when I was young.

  8. How cool that there is a skunk fest! I've always wanted one for a pet, they get along OK with cats. In fact several of my friends that feed feral cats have skunks eating at the food bowl. They sure are cute! Thanks for the pictures.

  9. I've had an encounter with baby skunks at the lake near our home...ADORABLE...but I slowly backed away so as not to scare them into doing something I would regret ;)

    Cute picture of Jake and his spider.

    Hugs, Linda

  10. Hi Lauren!
    Skunkfest...never heard of it but I guess it would be rather fun.
    When we were little our father brought a skunk home as a pet (and yes it was deodorized lol - I know that's not the word for it but it didn't squirt stink)
    Cute skunk pictures - such sad little faces.

  11. Oh my it. SKUNKFEST!!! Too cool.

  12. I haven't seen my little buddy for a few nights now, Maybe he went to your festival?? (I hope so) I still tremble in fear every night when I take Millie out.

  13. Those skunks are cute, do they de-stink them and keep them as pets?
    They look cuddly :)


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