Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This 'n That ~

Thank you so much for the visit.  I really do appreciate the time you take to read my ramblings :)

Last night hooker friend Melissa and I headed a little over an hour south to spend the evening hooking with Katie of Kid'l de Divey Woolens. I had the pleasure of meeting several new hookers - all hooking wonderful rugs - and I never even took my camera out of my bag.  GGGRRRRR!!!  I hate when I forget to take pictures.  I finally have a new rug on the frame but I can't share it because it is a gift for a friend's birthday.   

I've finally drawn the winner of the button bracelet.  Congrats to Julie of Dog Trot Farm. Please email me your snail mail address and your choice of bracelet.  Please take the time to visit Julie's blog if you've not done so.  She has the most adorable grandson!  Thanks to all who entered.
* * *
Lakeside, Ohio, is a private community on the shores of Lake Erie.  It was formed in 1873 by the Methodist Church and remains a church affiliated vacation resort.  It is one of only a few independent Chautauquas that persist in the 21st century.  It is approximately one square mile in size and the entire community is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  And why am I telling you all this?  Because I will be spending three glorious days hooking there with Katie. Hooker friends Melissa, Sheila and Bobbie (the Evening Stitcher) will be sharing a room.  I think there are going to be 24 of us having a hooking good time.  Now the pressure is on to figure out what to bring to hook.  At least that is good pressure :)

Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like a hooking good time!!!!!
    Congrats to Julie!!!!
    Hugs Lauren

  2. Awesome Lauren. I wish I could join you. I know you'll have loads of fun.

    Congratulations to Julie of Dog Trot Farm. I'm so glad that she won your giveaway.

    Have a great time and think of me when you are enjoying yourself and I'm slaving here at the farm, lol. I'll be thinking about you hooking and laughing and eating good food that you didn't had to cook.

    Don't forget to take pictures girl. I'll be waiting for pictures.

  3. sounds like fun. congrats to Julie!!

  4. Sounds like the perfect place for some hooking! Love the doll with the hands...she has a wonderful primitive look! Congrats to Julie!

  5. Oh Lauren that sounds like heaven to hook for 3 days with friends.
    congrats to Julie I think I am going to treat myself to a bracelet and order one.

  6. Now that sounds like a wonderful time. Enjoy and remember your camera. I love it when you share.


  7. Morning Lauren, how great is that, looks like a beautiful place, Enjoy......Congrats to Julie, yay!!! Blessings Francine.

  8. Congratulations to Julie...lucky lady.

    Sounds like a wonderful time you all will have.
    I promised myself that I was going to do a hook in retreat this year...so far it hasn't happened...lol
    But I will do one. If you know of any others that are coming up let me know....please.

  9. How fun, it sounds like so much of a good time. I always hate it when I forget to take my camera out too. Congrats to Julie!!

  10. Congratulations to Julie! I know you all will have a great time hooking and visiting...hope to see pictures :-)

    Hugs, Linda

  11. You will have a marvelous time and can't wait to see your posting of a 'good time had'. I got home from camp last night and still haven't reduced the pictures to put on my blog. Maybe tomorrow.



Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)