Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Fat Lady Sings ~

"They" say it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Well, she's finally singing.  Here are the last of the rugs from Sauder Village.  Enjoy the show.

Two of my favorite patterns



This rug is so moving ~ and hearbreaking.

I've loved this pattern for a long time.  Triple Crown aka Pearl and Earl by Lucille Festa of American Country Rugs.  The pattern on linen now resides with many others that I someday hope to hook.

I hope you have enjoyed the rug shows.  There were many more rugs but I did not get pictures of all of them.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed seeing the rugs from the show.


  2. The Alzheimer's rug brought tears to my eyes :(

  3. Thanks for taking us to the show!

  4. Love the show. you are right the Alzheimer's rug is heart breaking. Oh to be able to wipe it out.

  5. I never get tired of that show. Loved all the pictures. Thanks for taking the time and effort to make it possible for all of us who could not attend to see the lovely rugs.. SANDI....

  6. Hi, Lauren, so many pretty rugs. My favorite is the new Maria rug of cat sitting on dog. I just may have to order that right now, I have been meaning to order it for a long time. Thanks so much for taking all the time to share all these beautiful rugs with us

  7. Thanks so much Lauren for being so faithful in showing us rugs from the Sauder Village rug Show. I agree with Kim, the rug about Alzheimer really hit a note with me. My long time neighbour lady friend passed away from Alzheimer and now my daughter's mother in law who also is a dear friend is really being ravaged by this terrible disease. It is so sad seeing a bright and active woman deteriorate so fast.

    I appreciate your sharing of rug pictures.

  8. They are all beautiful, but somehow that first one of the primitive dog and little cat is my favorite.
    Thanks for sharing this amazing show.

  9. As always I enjoy looking at each and every one. I know it takes a long time to upload or it does for me so thank you I know you are pressed for time.

  10. Thanks for sharing the last of the pictures! I do love Pearl and Earl, I would love to hook that one too!! But I had to have Sparhawk after seeing it on your blog and on facebook!!

  11. The rugs are just beautiful !

  12. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks so much for sharing all these wonderful rugs!!
    The first rug with the two cats and hit and miss border is the sweetest!!
    xo Louise

  13. Amazing hooking, such talent....love the bunny spring rug, Francine.

  14. Great stuff! The first rug is my favorite... I'd seen it on Maria's blog, but keep forgetting to ask if she offers it as a pattern... best get to hooking the patterns I already have first, eh? lol! :-)

  15. I've enjoyed all the rug pics Lauren. Thanks for taking the time to share them. See you in a week! Hope you aren't too stressed out!!! he he

    Hugs, Lori


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)