Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pumpkins ~

I'll give you a break today from Sauder pictures, though I do have more to share.  Just thought I'd show what I've been up to.  Let me just say, I am NOT, I repeat, NOT one of those folks longing for fall.  It's beginning to feel like fall.  It sounds like fall.  Leaves are beginning to turn and some have already fallen.  I am longing for June!  It doesn't feel like I've had a summer.  And why, oh why, did I think I could get ready to do the show September 7 with Holly Hills Primitives?  It sounds like fun, lots of fun, but the show is in less than two weeks.  ARGH!!!  

I hooked these little fall mats.  They are bound but in need labels.

The next two pictures were taken without a flash. Of course with a flash, they were too bright, but without just look blah.  I've gotten eight of these hooked ~ all different ~ all done with hand torn strips ~ Heavens to Betsy style.  

Now the not-so-fun part ~ stitching the patchwork backs.  This is pumpkin #1.  You can see I have my work cut out for me.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I MUST get busy.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Keep working and stop yer belly achin' Lauren....we're both in this together!!! I haven't seen my husband in a week....I'm not sure if he even lives here anymore...LOL!!!! I'm knee deep in wool, thread, paint, and walnut stain. My fingertips look like I've been dipping them in snuff!! You'll surprise and delight yourself with what you have accomplished and how nice your booth will look!! It' going to be so much fun!!!

  2. I am excited for you and I know your work will be a great hit. Love what you have shown us.

    I am not ready for Winter but Fall is the perfect season in my book.

  3. Wonderful pieces and i think the smaller ones would do well in a show.


  4. Your hooked mats are darling, but I'm with you. I don't want to even think about Summer ending. Where did it go? Smiles, Nan

  5. LAUREN, Darn! you will be at Holly Hill too! I was asked to do it...but we are coming home from vacation that day... next year! take lots of pictures for me!!! Love the little mats!!! OLM

  6. Love them all! I always like making the projects, I just don't like putting the backing on them.

  7. the little mats look great Lauren...and the show sounds the vendor list after reading Bobbie's blog...hope you have a wonderful day...just thinking about doing a show again gives me anxiety...

  8. Lauren,
    Those little hooked mats should sell like hot cakes! Don't worry and just set up a smaller table so it looks full!! LOL!!
    Sure wish I lived in the vicinity.... it would be so fun to be there!!
    Get busy!!
    Cathy G

  9. Hi Lauren, love those sweet little mats, they will be scooped up I am sure...happy for you doing the show, will be fun, Blessings Grancine.

  10. Those are sweet little fall mats. They will not last long. I really like the patchwork back pumpkins too

  11. OH I love your mats. They make me feel like I need to be working on pumpkins. I love hooking pumpkins. I do like your patchwork backing it looks so nice. Well good luck with it all.

  12. Looking great! Can't wait to meet you in less than two weeks!!!

  13. With all the rugs you've ben working on this summer, You must have enough for the show with all these new one added on top of that.
    You sure have been a busy hooker.
    I love how you are doing the backing.

    Don't get your expectations too high and you'll do just fine.
    Good luck with the show. I'm sure that you will do well.

  14. Your offerings for the show are looking good! Summer did go by super quick this year... but, that's ok by me because I'm tired of sweating! lol!

  15. I'm sure all your efforts will be rewarded in the end Lauren - Darling fall projects! And I'm just the opposite of you - it seems like summer has lasted an entire year - I am so sick of it! LOL

  16. You make me tired, do you get so much done!?! I'm starting to feel like a lazy slacker :0)

    LOVE, your mats and the torn-strip pumpkins are so great...I want to make'll get it done, btw. Your show will be great!

    Hugs, Linda

  17. I agree with you on wishing it was June. It is in the 90s this week. One last summer hurrah I love it!

    Love the pumpkins, the backs are so cool.


  18. Lovely goodies! I do wish that the Show was just down the sounds quite wonderful! I shall look forward to seeing additional photographs of your splendid wares.
    Happy day to you...


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