Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dogs & Rugs ~

This weekend was the Canine Fun Days at the Cleveland (Ohio) Metroparks polo fields, sponsored by Greyhound Rescue.  I headed up the Ohio Pug Rescue booth on Saturday.  Here are a few of the pugs who worked the crowd.  My Loocie was one of the youngters and she is almost 8.

Milo taking a breather ~ he's 11.

Blind, deaf and 14, Herman was adopted by OPR member Jodi when he was 11.  What a sweet boy!

This lady was intent on winning the costume contest. 

By the end of the day, the pugs and their humans were worn out, but we made some money for rescue and hope that someone will adopt a pug because of our efforts.

Back to rug week at Sauder Village . . .

One of the special exhibits was The Presidents.  In less than a year's time, Linda Pietz researched and designed a rug for each of our Presidents and her sister Nola Heidbreder hooked them. That's 44 rugs, each 16" x 20".  Click here for a USA Today video with Linda and Nola.

One of Nola's favorites.

There were also knitted versions of all the Presidents.  If I remember correctly, knitters in Linda's knitting guild in California each adopted a President and gave them a life of their own.  

I have SO MANY rugs to share.  I just love this one!

This is Janice Lee's rug Ghost Rider.  Read all about it here.

Last call for Annie to email me to claim her "WOOL ADDICT" necklace.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I can't even name all the presidents! Amazing work.

  2. Congrats on doing well at the pug rescue and wonderful that you are helping so other pups can find a forever home. Love the rugs, some amazing, some fun and some wows there. That is the beauty of rug hooking, it can be done in so many styles and all look wonderful.


  3. You work so hard for Pug Rescue and I'm glad that the event was so successful with the help of Loocie to raise some rescue money.

    Some pretty amazing rugs at the Sauder Village rug show. Some I recognize from Rug Hooking Daily.
    Have a great week Lauren.

  4. Those pieces are amazing. I just can't imagine the work that goes into a project of that detail. And that lady with the pug.....(giggle)

  5. Wow lauren! Sounds like a fun time! Love all the Rugs and Pugs! Enjoy your evening!

  6. Bless your heart Lauren for all you do for the Pug Rescue, you Rock!!!!!! Love all those great rugs, such talent, Blessings Francine.

  7. Amazing, amazing work by all! Love the Presidents rugs; that was some serious hooking! So glad you had a successful event for those cute pugs and other pooches.

  8. WOW...all the Presidents...and the rest of the rugs, too! Sounds like a good day for the Pug Rescue...YAY!

  9. That is so cool! A rug of each President. So much beautiful work.
    The pugs are lucky to have you. Glad the event was a success!

  10. You had a really busy weekend. The rugs were great. I just love the pictures of all of those pugs. It breaks my heart that they don't have a home. I have six cats for that reason. :)
    I hope you have a great week. I hope your winner comes by soon.

  11. O, I want that that gorgeous Rottie to win the costume contest too!!!!!! Great pictures from Sauder which I hadn't seen before and will go back to revisit.


  12. What a wonderful pug event...fabulous rugs, too. I particularly loved the photo of Herman, reminding me of my own blind/deaf pug Winnie, who is still going strong though frail.

  13. hi, Lauren,
    The animal rescue thing in Cleveland looks like it was a lot of fun. At least it was a relatively cool day, or the pugs really would have been worn out! What a great cause.
    On to the rugs...although they are very different from the type of hooking that I do (and you too) it is amazing to see what others accomplish with what I assume is fine hooking... so realistic! And Nola hooking all those Presidents rugs...WOW!


  14. God bless you, Lauren, for all that you do for little furbabies...they all looked adorable, of course!

    Thanks for the great rug pictures. I'd LOVE, LOVE to go go Sauder Village one day...

    Hugs, Linda


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