Thursday, August 15, 2013

American Sewn Rugs - Sauder Village

A trip to Sauder Village for rug hooking week is looked forward to each and every August.  I had hoped to get in a class, but did not.  Hooker friend Melissa and I headed to Archbold, Ohio, bright and early, arriving before it opened.  There we met up with friends Bobbie (The Evening Stitcher), Ann (1803 Ohio Farm Baskets) and blogless Sheila.  I also got to say hi to many other hooker friends.  

One of the featured exhibits was the American Sewn Rugs.  It was wonderful!  The following is taken from the Sauder website.

"American Sewn Rugs - A distinctive collection of fine early American needlework created primarily in New England from the late 18th century into the second quarter of the 19th by women of education and privilege.  Unlike hooked rugs, these yarn-sewn, shirred, and patchwork rugs were not casually used as utilitarian floor coverings, instead, they were expressions of gentility, imagination, and skill.  Making them required large amounts of leisure time and expensive materials.
Jan Whitlock, notable antique textiles dealer, and Tracy Jamar, reapected textile restores, conservator and fiber artist, researched for three years in order to put this historic collection together and write the book: American Sewn Rugs: Their History with Exceptional Examples (published Oct. 2012).  
In the Autumn of 2014, the book will accompany an exhibit of these rugs at the Winterthur Museum.  Whiterthur, founded by Henry Francis du Pont, is the premier museum of American decorative arts locatedin Wilmington, Delaware."

The rugs are amazing and none of them were hooked, even though some appeared to be.

Here are contemporary examples of the techniques.

A contemporary rug by Jan Whitlock.  In person, the colors are not washed out.

I have not yet had a minute to even flip through the book.  If you are interested, it is available on Amazon.

I have LOTS more rugs to share.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Thanks for sharing the rugs with us, I always love seeing the shows that I can't attend.


  2. Gosh I am so glad you go to all these shows because it seems I get to go with you!! THANKS Sandi

  3. wow!have to visit winterthur when i visit my mom

  4. So very lucky to go it looks wonderful.

  5. Wonderful creations! Thanks for taking us along.

  6. Those rugs are very neat to see in person. I had a chance to see them when they were at the Folk Art Museum in NYC. Very cool! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Seeing these works of art sort of humbles you a bit.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Lauren, thanks for sharing the show with us that can't get there. Those rugs look beautiful and I bet close up are stunning.

  9. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I much appreciate it. There are some very old treasures and you must have been in hog heaven and drooling. Sorry you couldn't get a class in. Better luck next time.

  10. So glad you went, it is just a feast for the eyes. How fun to get to see all of your old friends. It sounds like a nice thing to do.

  11. These rugs are pretty! I'm going to have to read up on this"new to me" technique...

  12. Thanks for sharing, loved looking at all the different ones. I envy rug hookers!

  13. Must have been wonderful seeing those beauties up close and personal. Now back to reality after a glorious time at Sauder.



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