Tuesday, August 20, 2013

More Rugs ~

Lots more rugs from Sauder Village to share with you, so if you get bored looking at what others have hooked, you may want to skip a post or two :)

A shout out to Susan Cook who entered my "faux pas" give-away via email.  Send me an email by Sunday to claim your little win.  I never did hear from the previous winner :(

So many styles of hooking.  Some my style, some not, but I admire them all nonetheless.  And on with the show . . .

One of my favorite rugs. 

I love seeing many different interpretations of the same pattern.

I love that the deer was changed to a horse.

This was very cool.  From afar, it was hard to tell that it is a hooked rug at the bottom.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I'll be back to bore you again soon.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What amazing rugs, makes me want to get my hook out.


  2. Such beautiful rugs and such a small strip size. Love them so much talent.

  3. Thanks for the dose of inspiration! So many fabulousl works of art....beautiful.

    Hugs, Linda

  4. ohhhh...I do so love to look at these rugs. So many beautiful ones to admire. Thanks!

  5. Some of them look like paintings. Amazing

  6. Unbelievable talent. Hard to tell they are hooked projects. I should be half as good. Oh well something to aspire towards. Or at least have fun doing while trying.

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thanks for the rug show and I'll probably look thru them again. The one with the horse sitting in the road is funny. Looks like it got tired and just quit the journey....too funny.


  8. It must be amazing to see the rugs in person, all the details....beautiful !

  9. So amazing to see all the different styles of rugs! Makes me with I had time to rug hook but I will have to wait till after Christmas.
    I especially love the one that used a quilt pattern.

  10. This is really stupid of me, but I didn't realize how many hookers there are. In my area, you can't find many needleworkers either.

  11. You are never boring. In fact I would never see these awesome rugs that you post. I love looking at them.
    I like seeing each one and how different each one is hooked.
    Have a lovely week,

  12. Neat rugs, thanks for taking the pictures and posting them for all of us to enjoy. Love the quilt in the last picture.

  13. love the kids on the beach rug!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)