Sunday, August 11, 2013

Committed ~

Well, I've committed (intransitive verb - to obligate oneself).

Because of that, I just may be committed (transitive verb - to place in a mental institution).

We'll see which one it ends up being :)  Dawn from Holly Hills Primitives asked me to sell my spoon necklaces at the show.  That's easy enough, but not enough to fill a booth and make it worth my while when expenses are factored in.  So I need to be a hookin' fool (or just a fool) and get some things made.  Problem is finding the time. This week I've got something going on every night for at least part of the evening.  All day Saturday will be spent at a dog event working the Ohio Pug Rescue booth.  And of course the day job takes up a good part of my life.  (Even though I may complain, I am thankful I have it.)  ACK!  I'm stressing myself just thinking about it :)

Thanks to all who entered my little give-away and for all the sweet comments on my spelling error.  Congrats to Annie, the winner of my "WOOL ADDICT" necklace.   Please send me your snail mail address and I will get it mailed tout de suite.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Sounds like fun. And a lot of preparation. My mom had a key chain that was the handle of a utensil and now I have it. Goes well with my spoons!

  2. How exciting! And stressful!! You will do great. I love my necklace and wear it all the time, even to non-hooking events. :-)

  3. Oh Lauren....You'll be fine!! If I can do can do it! It's going to be so much fun...we both might need to be committed!!!!!! I hope you are finding time to go to Sauder this week. Just keep hooking those pumpkins!!!!

  4. Evening Lauren, you will do it girlfriend, where there's a will there's a way, so they say, who the heck are they anyway, :) Blessings Francine.

  5. You'll Be hooked on doing shows!! Good luck to yu!!

  6. Congratulations to Annie.
    Dawn's show will a great show and a great time for you I'm sure.

  7. Oh good cause I want to buy one of your necklaces...your booth will be great...does not have to be don't stress.

  8. congrats to annie and enjoy holly hills! denise

  9. Wonderful! Sounds like a lot of fun!
    Have a good week,

  10. Wishing you lots of sales. Get those nimble fingers busy and good luck.


  11. will surprise yourself how much you can get done...pressure, it makes you crazy ,but hang in there, you will have a great show & have lots of fun !

  12. You will be busy for sure but I know you will get a lot accomplished! Congrats to Annie!

  13. Well you know what you will be doing...when you have time. What is that saying about growing? You have to stretch yourself or something like that. I know I get more done when I am under a deadline and I bet you will have so much fun.

  14. Welcome aboard!!! Don't stress, your booth with be great and you don't have to have THAT much. Your jewelry will fly off the table. A lot of people are excited to meet you at our blog gathering after the show, I can't wait either! See you soon, Dawn

  15. You are one busy lady , with very fulfilling causes. Good job and kudos to you. Give the pups a hug for me.

  16. Oh you can do it! I work great under pressure and I think you do too.
    I will be anxious now to see what you have at the show.
    See ya soon

  17. I do my best work under pressure. I'm sure you can do it too.
    Good luck with this.



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