Friday, August 9, 2013

SO Embarrassed!

Embarrass - to cause to experience a state of self-conscious distress.

I take pride in the fact that I am a very good speller.  Then how could I have made this error and never noticed???  Thanks to the spelling police who pointed it out to me (you know who you are).  I really mean that.  ACK!!!  Is this the start of something really bad?  

I was able to correct it ~ sort of.

If anyone is interested in owning this faux pas, leave a comment on this post only or drop me an email (with give-away as the subject) and I will choose a name Sunday evening.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Life is crazy busy.  So glad it's the weekend!
Hugs :)


  1. i think it's perfect. i would love to win it. denise[]

  2. Well I wouldn't have even noticed it you hadn't said anything. You are so cute. I know I need to be buying these for Christmas too.

  3. Giggles..We've all done it.No need to add me this time a hooker should have it.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. Too funny, it is now a one-of-a-kind piece of art! Don't enter me though, since I have several of your pieces, let someone else have a chance to win. Maybe someday when you are famous it will be worth a million bucks!! :)

  5. So now I'm the spelling police am I, har har har, how funny. Frankly it looks kinda kool like that (notice my spellin?)


  6. How funny! Who wouldn't love to win that great necklace??? Also, welcome to the show - your info came today. Love all of your work, Dawn

  7. LOL.. it just proves you are human like the rest of us..It adds a certain whimsy to it. I would love for you to put my name in the hat.

  8. Too Funny, Lauren! I never even noticed it and I read that post twice....duh! Anyone would be happy to win the necklace....faux pas or not!

  9. Funny! I didn't catch that misspell.
    Great necklace anyway.

  10. No need to enter me - just wanted to say I got mine today and love it. Wool pig just cracked me up and I considered requesting sampler pig or floss pig. But people around here actually ask "what's a sampler? You mean like Whitman's?" So I stuck with USA. Surely they know what that is.

  11. I've noticed but I didn't thought that it mattered. No one is perfect. Even Spell Check makes mistakes. No one is perfect and I can tell you that I make more spelling mistakes than you.

    You can enter my name in, I would be proud to have one of your special edition spoon. It may become a collector s item some day.

  12. I saw it and thought "how clever"!

    Hugs Kat

  13. Isn't it funny how we can look at something and not notice a misspelled word? I would love to be the owner of such a beautiful piece!

  14. lol! You know... I did not even notice this when you first posted the pic?

  15. Too funny !!!! It's nice & primitive & a little mistake here & there ,makes it more special !!!!

  16. Love your work, no one is perfect all the time.
    Please add my name to the drawing.

  17. When you posted the original post I did not even notice the mistake. So no worries. I'd be honored to own it, it is a really great piece...and I am a wool ADICT...ha ha

  18. yes, me, misspelling is a fact of my life, duh Ann come onn!!

  19. Please add my name to the draw.
    Thanks so much.

  20. Please add my name to the draw.
    Thanks so much.

  21. Well, addicts usually don't pay much attention to what is going on around them. So the misspelling wouldn't be a big deal to one. Alta


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