Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pug Butts :)

Ellie had a play date with a couple pugs this week. It didn't start off too well :(  I guess in her excitement she felt the need to poop in the middle of the kitchen floor.  That was a pretty rude way to start her visit.
This is Cher, an Ohio Pug Rescue pug adopted a few years ago. Dolly adopted her and my Eema a few days apart.  As many of you will remember, dear Eema passed away from cancer.  

When the time was right, Dolly adopted another pug, Pippa.  Though not from OPR, she was also a rescue.  Pippa and Ellie had a few "words", but then everyone pretty much ignored each other.  

I stayed with the girlz while Dolly picked up a pizza.  As soon as they heard they car pull in, the ran for the door to greet her . . . or was it the scent of pizza that got their attention?

DSO Fritz took off today to head to the big air show/fly in at Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  His first stop is in northern lower Michigan to visit a friend, and tomorrow he will continue his journey.  Safe travels, my sweetie :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Evening Lauren, what sweet Puggies, how cute Ellie had a play date even with the few accidents, oh ya, pizza.....Hope your sweetie fly's safe, Francine.

  2. Cute Pug butts ! Lol
    Beautiful Plane.

  3. So funny to have a play date, lol. We are just starting to get dog parks here.


  4. Lol, I just had to stop in and see what "pug butts" was all about. :-) Unfortunately I see one of those all to often.

  5. Hope Ellie gets invited back and maybe she will have better manners next time.


  6. Cute pugs butts and not so cute butts in the kitchen, ha,ha.
    I hope that the pizza was for you and Dolly. Safe flights for your man.
    Have yourself a good week.

  7. Gotta love those cute pug butts!

  8. Cute little butts they have :). Poor Ellie! She just got so excited for her play date she couldn't help it. (Millie has done this before - Embarrassing!)

  9. I loved the shot of them looking out the door.

    Lauren are you going to attend the Fort Laurens Rug Crafters Hook In in Sept in Navarre, OH ?

  10. I'm not very social either, but I've never done the kitchen floor thingy. What a good looking ride DSO has.

  11. Cute post!! We have tried "play dates" with our two shih-tzus, my daughter's yellow lab, and my sister's puggle.... They basically ignore each other, with an occasional "spat" or two from time to time. They really could care less about each other... :) So much for what we thought would be a nice day for them!
    Safe travels for your DSO!

  12. So cute.
    I thought chicken butt photos were cute till now
    Woolie Hugs

  13. Ooooh they are cute! I'm having an anxiety attack just looking at the pic of that tiny little plane!!!

  14. How nice. What cute pugs. Poor Ellie got a bum rap, maybe it was the visitors. :) Only kidding.
    It was nice to stop buy I smiled the whole way. Have a great week.

  15. Hi Lauren! sorry its been so long since i stopped by.. i do love visiting with you and my fav. book will always be the seasons book! looks like the pups had a fun visit after the greeting! your man looks great in the plane and i know he loved it! enjoy your day!!

  16. Hi, Lauren,
    Poor little Ellie, I guess 2 on 1 was just too much, and then to start out with an embarrassing accident! I guess she's not made for play dates :) Oliver wouldn't like them either, he'd be scared to death.


  17. such adorable pugs Lauren.
    do you fly in that plane?

  18. Nothing better than dogs greeting you at the door!! Such an adorable photo!!

  19. Poor Ellie! Love those pugs!! Hope your honey had a safe flight. Hugs, Lori

  20. Such sweet pugs, just want to give them big hugs!


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