Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Walk Around the Yard ~

With all the rain we've had this summer, the flowers are doing exceptionally well.  It is so nice to see green at this time of the summer without having to water much other than plants in containers.

Passion flower - beautiful but invasive

Viburnum starts out bright white
and changes to a pinkish hue

I believe this hydrangea is known as limerick ~
perhaps because of its greenish flowers

Part of a lightening rod

A feather found today ~
only about 3" long

I purchased three $.99 goldfish for my little pond. They all survived and have about quadrupled in size.  Not sure why, but the water plants are not doing too well.

What used to be a lovely hosta.  Damn deer!

Last weekend I stopped at a tag sale the third and final day.  I can't believe these two pieces of white ironstone were still there.  One is marked Johnson Brothers and the other Alfred Meakin.  I believe the piece on the left is a marriage.  The handle was broken and reglued, but it's still a good shelf piece.  The lidded dish on the right is perfect except for a bit of discoloration on the lid. The total for the two pieces ~ $8.00.  Oh, I LOVE a bargain.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. You have so many pretty flowers in your yard. I planted zilch this year. So it's nice to see yours :)

  2. Your gardens look wonderful and it is nice to have enough rain to keep everything blooming. My garden is growing like crazy, now i am waiting for enough tomatoes to make sauce. Love that feather, really unique with the spots.


  3. Lauren,

    Oh MY!! I love the passion flower... it's like the morning glories, just takes over? We had lots of rain, then dry... rain again now... me weeds are doing great! OLM

  4. Lauren I can't grow Passion Flower, I had no idea it's invasive.
    It's raining like crazy here tonight.
    Lucky you on the nice pieces of ironstone.
    Next time you brush your pugs put some of the hair on your plants and the deer won't bother for me so far in my front yard.

  5. I love your gardens so pretty so glad the deer haven't found my hosta. because of the rain my tomato's are not doing very well.

  6. IOh my, I love your Passion flower and I had no idea it was invasive. Your Hydrangeas are so colorful. My blue one bloomed once and is not doing well. Your Rudbeckias are in full bloom and mine are just starting to bloom a tiny bit.

    That feather you found looks like it could be a tail feather of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo bird. They have those round white circles under their tail feathers.

    I'm sorry about your Hosta that the brazen deer destroyed. How annoying, but I'm glad that you could console yourself with some pretty nifty bargains.


  7. I never saw a passion flower. Different!

  8. Lovely garden you have! The deer did the same to my hosta. I do like that lightening rod a lot!

  9. Pretty flowers! And, great bargains!

  10. Well because I don't have pretty gardens or flowers I always enjoy seeing yours - your pictures are always so clear and vivid.
    What a beauty of a goldfish!
    And a deal for sure on the white ware.

  11. Your yard is so pretty. You made me laugh, about damn deer. I was telling my husband the other day that I am no longer a fan of wildlife.
    I didn't know that passion flower was invasive. I am glad you wrote that as I won't plant it.
    I am glad you have got to have such a beautiful summer this year. Have a lovely rest of the week, it is almost Friday!

  12. You have a beautiful garden. What kind of feather would that be? I'm not familiar with any bird or foul with those polka dots.


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi Lauren, try this again, grrr!!! Love all your beautiful flowers, so pretty....nice to have the old fish , we enjoy ours in the pond......Blessings Francine.

  15. Your flowers are beautiful, Lauren! My flower beds need to be re-done...sigh.

    I love your bargain ironstone pieces...very nice!

    Don't know what kind of bird that polka dot feather came from, but it looks pretty cool!

  16. Oh what pretty flowers, and white ironstone items. The sundial is also very nice :)

  17. All the flowers just make you smile! Great find on the ironstone!

  18. Beautiful flowers, they do so much better with the rain don't they? Interesting feather!


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