Friday, July 26, 2013

More Coverlets ~

More coverlets from Wink's incredible collection.

Patriotic display in her dining room.

Oh what a gorgeous day today on Ohio's north coast :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.  
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love the kitty, what a great idea for old blankets and also a nice idea for door stops.


  2. Thanks for showing us this great coverlet collection. I too love the cat, he pretty cool.

    We are having a really, really, really wt weekend. Heavy rain for three days. I think we should have been given more time to built our ark. I hope that we won't float away. I have some surface water coming into my basement today. Yuck...

    Enjoy your weather while it's nice.

  3. Oh my but I'm going to be a bad influence on another friend of mine by sending the link to your blog. She went crazy over vintage paisley and I'm afraid that when I send these pictures of Winks wonderful collection my dear pal Deb will follow suit. But it is so wonderful to visually enjoy and appreciate that I'll take that chance.

    Thanks for sharing and thank Wink for letting you take pictures to share.


  4. Even more great pics of coverlets.
    Love the kitty!

  5. Wow, she really does have a nice collection!

  6. Now I see why you and Wink are such great friends. You both are wonderful collectors of beautiful things

  7. That is one HUGE collection of really great coverlets. Thanks for sharing the pics.

    The weather has been wonderful here, too, for the past few days...tonight's sunset was fabulous...looked like technicolor outside!

    Hugs, Linda

  8. what a nice collection. Denise

  9. Really enjoyed seeing Wink's wonderful coverlet collection. She has so many great ones. Thanks to both you and Wink for sharing with us. Hugs, Lori

  10. Wink sure does have a great collection of coverlets and you get to having fun taking photos of them!

  11. love coverlets! lots of pretty ones!


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