Sunday, June 30, 2013

Well, I did it and I'm still not sure why ~

I played follow the leader and joined Bloglovin'.  I am not tech savvy ~ actually I am computer stupid.  I hope I did it correctly and didn't lose anything.  I am not even sure what Google Reader was that is being done away with tonight. And what is Bloglovin'?  Does this mean I will have two different sets of followers?  Geez, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!

Meet Groovy Santa and her, er I mean his helpers.  I'll explain more tomorrow :)  

It doesn't appear the blog process is any different with Bloglovin'.  Time will tell, I suppose.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. See and it was easy! Plus you don't risk losing me. LOL.

  2. ya got me, Lauren...I just played follow the leader ~ have no clue what it's all about. isn't that awful? anone have a bridge they want to sell? eeep!

  3. Thanks for the reminder. July 1 sure sneaked up on me. I, too, am computer stupid, but with a few clicks I hope I saved my favorite blog list.

  4. Oh Oh, not looking good for me.....will wait and see what happens, Hope I can find you....Duh,Francine.

  5. Hi Lauren, Bloglovin? What in the world? Why can't blogger leave well enough alone. Have not opened my lap top for a month, guess I had better blow the dust off and see what everyone has been up to. Hope you are well and enjoying summer, will catch up with you soon, Julie.

  6. I haven't been on Blogger much in the past few months. What is bloglovin? And what is going on with Blogger? Yikes!

  7. Hmmm just wondering if I'm the only one that uses my dashboard which is staying and they are not getting rid of your followers either.Just the google reader which is multi media sources..I'm so glad I did not follow the leader this time around seems it pops up every couple of months and the panic begins.LoL..~Amy

  8. I'm so confused! Joined bloglovin...although I have no idea how! I use my dashboard too and it seems to still be there this morning. Whatever!
    Have a great week,

  9. Something tells me you're in that photo with Santa!
    Yes, what is going on with bloglovin, I will have to check it out.
    Xo louise

  10. I did the Bloglovin thing yesterday, too, and like you...don't know why it had to be done!

    I just hope it is a good thing :-)

  11. I did the Bloglovin thing yesterday, too, and like you...don't know why it had to be done!

    I just hope it is a good thing :-)

  12. I've joined the Bloglovin too and nothing has changed on my dashboard either but the day isn't over yet.

    Love the Santa and I see one of his helper is wearing your spoon necklace or two.

    Have a great 4th of July.


  13. I use my dashboard, but I think the old Reader and Bloglovin can be sent to mobile devices or something. I don't know. I'm lucky I'm mobile - don't want any devices smarter and faster than me.

  14. I have no idea about this Bloglovin do you add the widget thingy to your blog ??? I just want things to remain easy !

  15. HUH? Did you get a notice that you needed to join? Maybe I'll find out when I get ready to update my blog next. I can remember when I couldn't update my blog because I needed to download Chrome. Let us know how it goes.


  16. So glad to see to Saturday...what fun at Kingwood!

  17. So far I still haven't done any changing. I guess we will see if anything actually happens.


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