Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hooking Fun ~

Saturday was the annual hook in at Kingwood Center in Mansfield, Ohio, put on by Katie of Kid'l de Divey Woolens.  She so graciously hosts this every year with no charge to the participants. Once again this year she asked me to sell my spoon jewelry.  Thank you Katie!!!
This year's theme was a groovy style Christmas tree.  Twenty hookers took the challenge and hooked a piece designed by Karla Gerard. Unfortunately, I failed to get any pictures of the challenge pieces.  
Groovy Santa made an appearance and handed out gifts.  Upon arrival, everyone signed either a naughty or a nice list.  

I'm not sure what the gift was for being on the nice list, but those of us on the naughty list got this :)

I didn't have time to take many pictures, but I did manage to get a few of the rugs on display.

These were "friendship" rugs hooked by Katie and friends.  The owner of each rug chose a theme and hooked one block and then it was passed on to someone else and so on until the rug was completed.  What fun.  Not the best pictures.  Sorry.

It was a wonderful day spent amongst hooking friends.  Life is good!
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It was so much fun, Lauren..I knew it would be a good one the minute I walked in the door!! I already can't wait for next year...see you in August at SAuder!

  2. Sounds like a fun hook in and a lot of amazing rugs on display.


  3. What fun!! You do such fun things on the weekends.
    I always really enjoy looking at all the different kinds of rugs. I enjoy your trips. :)

  4. Thanks for sharing the hook~in. Loved seeing all the wonderful rugs :)Ginger

  5. Great rugs...great fun! Do you do special orders for your spoon jewelry?
    I'd love to get a few for gifts...and for me too.
    Have a great 4th!

  6. always wonderful rugs I hope you were able to sell lots of your necklaces happy fourth

  7. That looks like a blast! You Ohio gals sure know how to throw a party.

  8. Looks like you had great time with great people. Would love to have been able to see all those hooked pieces in person. And hope you went home with no spoon jewelry left but with a hand full of cash.


  9. I can't believe that you were signed up on the naughty list, lol. That looks like a joyful event. I hope that you sold lots of your necklaces.
    I'm having fun just looking at all the rugs so I can imagine that your fun meter was right there at the top.

  10. Ugh, next year I'm signing up on the nice list, lol. Love, love, love my spoon necklace from you Lauren. :)

  11. Love the rug pictures, and the naughty or nice idea with prizes is so funny! That was a great idea. Thanks for all the pictures.

  12. Lauren what a fun day. I was so glad to be able to attend. I never did bring anything to work on since I knew I had a lot of chatting to do. What a great bunch of gals attend this event. And so glad you took pics of the rugs. Once again I was so in awe of them that I forgot to take out my camera. See you soon.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)