Friday, June 28, 2013

Pounds for Pugs ~

Kelly's furbabies

To all my blog friends who are animal lovers, rescue lovers, pug lovers ~ perhaps you can help.  Kelly from Cincinnati, Ohio, has come up with a unique way to help herself ~ and Ohio Pug Rescue.  Even if you just stop by and offer her a word of encouragement, I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated.

Here is what she writes:
"I wanted to let you know about a project I am working on to raise funds for OPR.  I have set up a website called
This website will serve as my personal weight loss blog. 
I have decided that the only thing that really motivates me is animals, especially those puggies!  So, as a result of this epiphany I have decided to incorporate weight loss and pugs. 
I have asked people to sponsor my weight loss with all of the proceeds going to OPR.  People might donate 50 cents per pound or what ever increment they decide on.
I have told people on my blog that I will collect the money every six months.  They will send me a check made out to OPR and I will send it to you (Terri at OPR). I also linked the OPR website to my blog. 
It's personal but if I'm going to do it I'm going to do it big! 
The more money I can raise for the pugs the more motivated I will be. 

Ohio Pug Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit all volunteer organization operating a surrender, foster care and placement program for all needy pugs in Ohio - no matter their age, condition, or health as funds and space allow.  Donations are tax deductible.

If you've gotten this far, thank you so very much and thank you for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. What a great motivator! Off to check out her sitel oh and look atvthose cuties espe ially the black one on the Amy

  2. I think that kelly has a super idea. I'm not sure how much weight that she has to loose but I hope that she does reach her weight goal and help some pugs along with it. What a smart lady. Good luck to her.

    I love the pug parade on the sofa. Very cute.

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Thanks so much for posting Kelly's website.
    Her Pug are so adorable!
    I am happy to help.
    xo Louise


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