Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What Nerve!

Tonight was hooking at That'll Do Farm so I finally pulled some wool to start a new project.  Now I know that cats like to curl up in wool, but I had no idea Ellie felt the same way.  

It looks like she's asking, "And the problem with this is???".

I was the only one doing any hooking, but there was lots of jawing and laughing going on.  The start of a small mat I'm hooking as a favor for a friend.

Saturday is the hook-in at the beautiful Kingwood Center in Mansfield, Ohio.  A free hook-in from the oh-so-generous, talented and funny Katie of Kid'l de Divey Woolens.  If you are anywhere nearby, stop by, enjoy the gardens and take in the rug show.  The only charge is the parking fee (I think it's $5 per carload).  You won't be disappointed!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I am so glad you kept Ellie, she is such a nice dog. I love that picture of that.
    Your new project is just great. I wish I lived closer I would be there, with bells on. Have a great evening Lauren.

  2. Too cute, wool is just too comfy so of course Ellie would love it.


  3. Haha. Ellie is too cute. Millie has many cat-like quirks also. I think they just are jealous of the wool when we are hooking because our attention is not on THEM.

  4. Ain't she a sweetie!!! My outside cats sneak in and when they do, the wool carpet is their favorite rolling spot.

  5. That wool is so much nicer with Ellie laying on on it. She is trying hard to give you inspiration about how well her colors goes with it.
    She's a diva.

    The Saturday hooking sounds like loads of fun.


  6. Morning Lauren, Ellie is so cute, so happy you kept her......Happy Hooking, Francine.

  7. come on show us all of it. We are going on a garden walk if it ever stops raining this weekend.
    have fun/

  8. Oh i love that pooch! I think you have your hands full with her! But in a good way...I imagine she makes you smile a lot.
    What a tease on the hooked project...the red is really pretty.

  9. Ellie is smart. She knows how wonderful wool is! Why should cats have all the fun!!

  10. Love red. Can't wait to see a full picture of the piece but understand you don't want to give away the secret just yet since it is for a friend. Please share after it is given as a gift.


  11. Hi Lauren...I am planning to go on Saturday...I have a small issue that may keep me from going..but I think I have it resolved. I'll shoot you a text later today.

  12. Sweet Ellie! She knows a comfy spot when she sees one.

  13. Oh that Ellie has very good taste in wool Lauren! That looks like a Rebecca Erb wool.... one of my favorites too!
    Sure wished I was closer so I could go to that hook-in at the Kingwood Center!! Remember your camera!
    Cathy G
    ( hate those sneak peeks.... LOL! I do them too so I can't complain! So I will patiently wait for the reveal.... :-))

  14. Ellie sure does look cozy in your bundle of wool!
    Sweet mat you're a hooking!
    Have fun at the hook-in!
    xo Louise

  15. Kingwood (sigh) - sure wish I could be there - wish they'd hurry up with that "beam me up" function - have fun and give our friend Katie a hug from Mel !

  16. Lauren, I am seeing, really? you didn't get this out for me to have a new blanket? OLM

  17. Hi, Lauren,
    Anything wool here is always covered in cats! I can understand it in the winter, but summer?? So you're off to another hook-in, lucky you...I saw a website from Folk Art Prims, I think, up in northern Ohio somewhere, is that where you learned the hand-torn pumpkin? I think she had a class on it. Ellie looks happy and settled in :)

  18. Have great time Saturday and I think Alice is vending there. What a treat, so take lots of pictures.

    Everytime I see Ellie, I start longing for another Russell. She is adorable.

  19. Ellis is such a sweetie...nothing as cozy as wool...looking forward to more vicarious thrills so be sure to take plenty of photos tomorrow...unless it will interfere interfere with your fun...


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