Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Door Prize EVERYONE Wanted ~

. . . and I was so lucky to have won!
On every table at the Western Reserve Rug Hooking Guild hook-in, there was at least one hooked mat that a guild member hooked and donated for a door prize.  This was the mat everyone was talking about and hoping to win.  My name was one of the first called and I was able to bring this treasure home with me.  It was hooked by Lanna Omlor of Humble Rugs.  Her patterns can be found here (though I don't believe this is one of her patterns).  Lanna's hooking and color choices are perfection.  Thank you, Lanna, for such a wonderful prize!

The mat is 10.5 inches in diameter and finished beautifully.

The backing was brought to the front and yarn was added.

When a person's name was drawn, they were given a slip of paper with their name on it that was to be pinned to the mat they chose.  My mat was on Karin, Carole, and Mitsuko's table.  Knowing them and trusting them (haha) I left the mat there.  A while later when I went back, Karin's name was pinned to it :)  What a fun bunch of hookers!
* * * * *
I took only a few pictures.  Here is a rug Melissa brought to bind, though she did not get to it.

She did, however, get this one bound.  It is a pattern by The Red Saltbox.

The next two are Carole's rugs.  She hooks mostly antique adaptations.  This one was stunning.  It is very vibrant in person.  I think I would enjoy hooking this one.

I love how she hooked this one.  She used striped wools and hooked it in the order it was cut so both the background and the chickens look like the uncut wool.

Karin's rugs are always wonderful.  She sells many of them on eBay as seller PrimitiveSpirits.

Sweet Katie of Kid'l de Divey Woolens.  She is speed hooker.

Stacey's long sheep nearing completion.

Dawn started this rug at the Woolley Fox rug camp.  It is huge at 56" x 56".

A close up of one corner.

The Western Reserve Guild knows how to put on an excellent hook-in.  Good food, good prizes and lots of camaraderie.  Thank you, ladies.
* * *
Thanks so much for stopping by.  The winner of the Better Homes & Gardens subscription is Holly Hills Primitives.  Thanks to all who entered.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I'm so glad that you won that beautiful rug. I can tell you loved being with those girls, My goodness, Carol's rugs are beautiful. So talented.

    Congratulations to both you and Holly for your winnings.

  2. What a wonderful rug and I love how she finished the edge, looks like a fun night and a lot of beautiful rugs in the making.


  3. Lucky you Lauren, love the rug, sweet as all the others are, such talent, Hugs Francine.

  4. Congratulations! I'm glad you won.

  5. Congratulations, Lauren...what a wonderful mat! The rugs you shared are great and it sounds like a great day for those who attended.

    Congratulations Holly Hills Primitives!

    Hugs, Linda

  6. Such a cool mat! As always the beautiful work of others is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing more yummy pics. Glad you had a good time.

  7. Congrats to you Lauren! Always in awe of the creations.Such talanted ladies!~Amy

  8. you are so lucky!!! I love that chicken rug what a great idea! I hooked that tulip rug at the end it is on my living room floor right now.

  9. Lucky you for such a great prize win. Enjoyed the rugs and thought the Fowl rug had a very interesting appearance which I liked.


  10. Sounds like a wonderful time and I enjoyed seeing the rugs.
    Do you know if there is a tut somewhere online for finishing a rug the way your winning is finished?

    Thanks for sharing

  11. I really enjoyed this post Lauren....the retreat sounded like lots of fun and the rugs are to die for.
    What a lucky lady to get the one you wanted!!!

  12. lucky winner you! I just love hooked rugs!

  13. That is an amazing prize!!! Just lovely rugs! What fun, I am in serious need of some hooking.
    So glad you take pictures, it is the next best thing to being there.
    Have a great week Lauren!

  14. Hi Lauren, what a wonderful win! congratulations. Hook-ins sound like so much fun, and what a nice group of ladies, all very talented rug hookers. Thank you for sharing. Greetings, Julie.

  15. YEAH Lauren - you won !!!!!! what a neat rug. loved seeing everyone's rugs from the hook in. Waving to DF Katie ~ ~ enjoyed seeing your clover rug from a previous post. cheers Mel


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