Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ode to Motherhood ~

Me Mudder
(Author Unknown)

When me prayers were poorly said,
Who took me from me wittle bed,
And spank me til me ass was red?
Me Mudder

Who took me from me cozy cot,
And laid me on the ice-cold pot,
And made me pee when me could not?
Me Mudder

And when the morning light had come,
And in me bed me dribble some,
Who wiped me tiny wittle bum?
Me Mudder

Who me hair so gently part,
And hugged me gently to her heart,
And sometimes squeeze, til I fart?
Me Mudder

Who looked at me with eyebrows knit,
And dern near threw a fit,
When in me Sunday pants, me shit?
Me Mudder

And at night when her bed did squeak, 
and me raised me head to have a peek,
who yelled at me to go to sleep?
Me Fadder !!!

Growing up, my mom had her own version of the first two verses of this poem that she loved to recite.  
First Communion - 1928


Dressing up as a princess
with great granddaughter Sophia - 2007

Still beautiful in 2007 at age 87
Miss you, mom.  Love you!
Happy Mother's Day to all.
Hugs :)


  1. I have never heard that poem!
    Great pics of your Mom.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Just beautiful! What a fun poem! Happy Mother's Day, Dawn

  3. That's a funny one Lauren. Hope your day was a beautiful one with lots of special memories and thoughts of your Mom.
    I do miss mine too. Hugs, ~Nan

  4. Hi Lauren, touching loving post....your mother was so beautiful......will give mine a extra hug for you, Blessings Francine.

  5. Love that poem Lauren! hahahah!!!!
    and your sweet mom looks beautiful :)
    Happy Mother's Day to you! Lori

  6. ha,ha,ha, great poem Lauren. Great pictures of your mother and what a good sport to take picture with her princess costume.

    Happy Mother's Day.

    Hugs, JB

  7. bravo a great tribute to your mom!
    happy Mother's day.

  8. Lol. My grandma used to say that poem (or a close version).

  9. Good evening Lauren, that was quite a poem, one I have never heard before. LOL. Your mother was lovely as is her great granddaughter. Happy Mother's Day to you. Blessings, Julie.

  10. Oops, forgot to mention the photo of the 2 princesses is lovely.

  11. Never heard the poem--but it sounds like a classic

  12. Love the poem! ha-ha!
    My sister sent a card to our Mom that said 'good Moms let the kids lick the beaters......great Moms turn the mixer off first'!

    Great pictures of your Mom!

  13. Beautiful photos!
    Have a great week,

  14. Nice poem and a very nice tribute. Have a great week Lauren.

  15. Beautiful pictures...I especially love the princess one.

  16. Hi Lauren,Beautiful pictures of your mom and the poem was priceless.Cheri


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