Thursday, May 16, 2013

Flowers and More ~

My first poppy has bloomed.  The flowers are so delicate.

A few years ago I had my first wisteria blooms but then moved the plant.  It is finally blooming again.

I think this is the only tulip that bloomed.  There is some critter that loves them more than I do. 

I have no luck with azaleas.  This bush came with the house and it's the only azalea I've not killed.

I can never remember the name of this plant.  It's pretty but rather prolific.

I guess I can no longer say I am the world's slowest hooker.  After eight years, I've finally gotten my rhythm you could say.  Plus hooking with mostly an 8.5 and 9 cut helps speed things along.  In addition I have been making more time to hook.  One look around the house and yard and you'd probably agree :)  I'm still undecided on the color of the bird.  It will either be a dark red or perhaps the color of the pot.  Any suggestions?

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I just love poppies and yours is so beautiful. Love all the flowers and your rug too. I have this one but I didn't hook it that's for sure. Can't wait to see what you decide for the bird.
    Smiles, Nan

  2. Good evening Lauren, your unnamed plant is called Solomon's Seal. It is a plant that I added to my shade garden a few years ago. Your rug is coming along nicely, as is your lovely blooming garden.I am so far behind in garden work, I am having so much fun with my grandson, gardens can wait, but children cannot!!Have a lovely evening, Julie.

  3. Beautiful flowers, Lauren...I don't have any tulips, but they have been in full bloom at my neighbor's home. I was thinking of planting some bulbs this year. I love the rug! It is such a fun one to hook!

  4. Your flowers are gorgeous! Not much blooming here in the woods!! Love your rug!

  5. That poppy is lovely. So are your other plants.
    no hints on the bird.

  6. a red bird!! i wish i new how to hook. denise

  7. Morning Lauren, love the poppy, I have no luck with them......great hooking, Blessings Francine.

  8. Gosh, I can't beieve how many flowers you have already. Beautiful. What about a dark muted red or darkish drab blue for the bird?

  9. I would go with red if it is a dirty red. Nothing to bright to stop the eye from seeing the whole rug.

    Your flowers are beautiful.

  10. I'd go with a primitive red for the bird. It's going to look lovely.

    I love your poppy flower. I had one big one several years ago and lost it when we had the big flood.

    Have fun hooking and think of me when you pull your first row.


  11. Your flowers look wonderful, Lauren...I LOVE poppies. I also love the primitive look of your rug. My vote is for the primitive red color for the bird.


  12. Lauren,
    Love your garden nice for spring to finally be here!

  13. Lauren, I love your rug it looks great! I sure wish it was greener where I live, So so pretty!Thanks for the pictures, Cheri

  14. Hey Lauren!! Flowers and rug are LOOOking GOOD!! Here's my 2 cents about your beautiful rug,that I'm gonna hook someday!! This is what I usually say. I think that if you make the bird red,the eyes would jump right to it and not take in the overall look of the rug that looks soft and neutral. I think the bird should stay with the tone you've set for the rug. So that's my opinion,do ya want change for the 2 cents????

  15. Lauren,
    Your garden is inspiring. Havind this new home is allowing me to plant ones I love. I have a hedge of azaleas in front of the parking pad and two Sago palms that need to go--especially since I just learned they are poisonous to dogs.
    Yesterday I went out to water and the pot I had put outside with my Christmas cactus is finally blooming, the prettiest lavender and white flowers. Yeah!
    Oh, on your bird, I would go with a dirty red for that pop of color it needs.

  16. your gardens are beautiful - congrats on finishing your rug - on to the next - right!
    take care Mel

  17. Thank you for sharing your garden. I love Wisteria. We also had a few small Wiseria plants in a not so great spot so we moved them a few years ago. I hope they bloom this year as they have esablished well now.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)