Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring has Sprung ~

Spring has finally arrived here on Ohio's north coast and what glorious weather we have had recently.  The daffodils were magnificent this year.  Never before have I had so many blooms.  This is about the last of them :(

So much is blooming around the yard . . .

Heavenly lilac . . .

Butterfly made from old horseshoes given to me by dear friend Wink many, MANY years ago.

My sweet trillium . . .

LOVE the bleeding hearts!

My simple weathervane atop the garage.

Today I took grandson Jake to a circus that was at the local fairgrounds.  We're not talking Ringling Brothers here.  What a cheesy circus it was, but Jake enjoyed it so that's all that matters.  I purchased the tickets online since it was half off the adult admission.  Can you believe $9 in service fees for two tickets?  What a racket!  $10 snow cones (in a light up glass) and $8 boxes of popcorn!!!  An even bigger racket!

A couple pics that Jake took of the animals in the petting area.

Cool Jake in his shades.  He is getting so grown up!

My rug is very near completion.  I had hoped to finish today, but I'd better think about sleep instead of hooking!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Beautiful gardens and it looks like you had a fun day with Jake.


  2. Your flowers are so pretty! Your rug is nice too!!

  3. Hi Lauren,
    It's so good to see those blooming flowers in your beautiful gardens! It'll be awhile before we see that here! I'm glad you had a fun day with Jake... he is looking so grown up for sure!!
    Nice hooking and colors in that rug.... want me to send the binding fairy any time soon? LOL!!
    Cathy G

  4. Morning Lauren, WOW!!!Your flowers are beautiful, so many blooming now, love the Trillium, I can`t seem to grow them......Cute horseshow butterfly.......Great hooking and beautiful colors in your rug, Blessings Francine.

  5. Lovely flowers Lauren! I see lots of buds on my Lilacs but not opened yet.
    Circus looks like fun times.
    Enjoy your week and this wonderful weather.

  6. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blooms with us. Mine are starting to blossom. There may be some more today. It's exciting to see something blooming.
    Jake looks grownup and handsome and his smile show that he finally got his teeth back.

    Wow, those prices are just outrageous. I can see that love made you look the other way when you were forking the money to the attendants for this and that.

    Your rug looks wonderful. Have a nice week.

  7. Hi Lauren...your flowers are beautiful...the only ones we have at the moment are daffodils...and only one plant...LOL
    I'd say the trip to the Circus is like what the commercial says 'PRICELESS' - it was expensive yes, but the delight Jake got was all that counted.

  8. Hi Lauren...your flowers are so pretty! How I miss the lovely smell of fresh lilacs! My Annie would love your horseshoe butterfly...she loves butterflies. I just planted a lot of plants that attract them and we enjoy seeing them right outside our window.
    I have not hooked in a few weeks and am itching to get at it!
    How Jake has grown! What wonderful memories you are making together! In years to come, he might not remember the circus, but he will surely remember who took him!
    Have a great week,

  9. Lovely blooms! I adore your horseshoe butterfly, a great idea.

  10. Beautiful flowers,Lauren! Can't wait to see your the little corner you revealed...


  11. Love the flowers! Looks like that goat wants to make a quick snack of Jake's watch! lol! Your rug is hooking up nicely!

  12. What a racket is right!! Jake sure is getting big and all grown up looking. Your Magdalena runner is quite nice.


  13. Your flowers are so pretty Lauren! Our grass is just starting to green up so no flowers yet. I love that horseshoe butterfly!
    Jake is growing up so fast and a mighty cool dude in those shades I must say!! Love how your rug looks. Can't wait to see a full pic. Hugs, Lori


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