Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hooking Room Gone Bad ~

Who was I kidding?  Did I really believe switching my small hooking room for a larger one would cause me to be neater?  More organized?  Wool stacked neatly by color on shelves?  You haven't seen pics of my new hooking room (that was moved months ago) because I haven't yet gotten all my rugs hung.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  I wish I could say it was organized chaos, but at the moment it's just chaos.  Maybe I'll embarrass myself in to cleaning it soon :)

This antique table is actually a wonderful barn red.

Do I really need two hooking frames that I am not using on the floor?

Even Ellie wonders why there is such a mess.

The sunflower rug is a pattern by Cathy G of Red House Wool Studio.  On the frame is my latest rug.

I finished the hooking on my Magdalena style runner.  At 15" x 46" it is the largest rug I've completed to date.  I hooked it in five weeks which for me is really fast!

The biggest change I made was reverse hooking the two rows of lighter orange I had around the bird.  I like it much better.  This was a fun one to hook and hopefully I will actually get it bound soon.  I will keep you posted.

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I love your room, you should put a sign that says genius at work. That is what I see looking at all of it. You are being creative and I know that being creative is messy business.
    Thank you for sharing your room, I enjoyed every photo and I look forward to having my rooms look like that again, because I know life has settled down and normal life is happening.
    Have a lovely rest of the week Lauren.

  2. WOW...congrats on finishing that great's wonderful!!! It's a biggie and you got it done so fast...I'm impressed! Love your red table and the checked sofa...and Ellie is pretty cute too. My daughter's room is in constant chaos...she looks me in the eye and says."I'm an artist." You're an "artist"'s o.k.

  3. I thought that too, doesn't help, lol.
    Love your rug and those are really beautiful shades.


  4. Your rug is beautiful, Lauren! It is a big one! Your hooking room is fine..I think you need a couple more cupboards...LOL!! That's how mine looks now. I have wool all over the place!

  5. LOVE that red table. LOVE!! Love the corner cabinet, the checked sofa, the long rug, the sunflower, and little Miss Ellie.

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Like my Mom always says, "there's always tomorrow".
    I'm sure you'll get it finished up eventually and it will be wonderful.
    Don't stress, "There's Always Tomorrow". :)
    Drooling over your rugs.
    I know I have said this before but...
    Oh, how I wish I could hook!

  7. Lauren it looks awfully clean compared to my mess of a room. That should make you feel better. :-)

  8. Creativity at work! Lovely finish on the runner; I do like the color combos.

  9. Lauren~ I think we all have a room like that(I's the beauty you create from it that counts.The runner is stunning! You are so talanted! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  10. That is the best thing about a rug hooking room you can close the door on it.:)

  11. Speaking of the 2 frames that you're not using,how do you like your new frame?? 5 weeks to hook that wonderful runner?? I think that's really fast hookin' for anybody!!! I work everyday all day into the nite and I don't think that I woud have it finished!!!

  12. Wow, your room looks good to should see my "craft area" if you want to really see disorganization at it's finest. And only 5 weeks to finish that runner is amazing.
    And "After all tomorrow is another day" so it'll get organized then. Lol

  13. Hi Lauren, just wanted to stop in and see what you have been up too. i have missed checking in lately. just to much going on.. oh well if i could stay up a bit later that would help. i love your hooking room! love the table and your hooked rugs! wow a big rug done in 5 wks! cant imagine! its beautiful too!! enjoy your day Lauren and i will be back soon!!

  14. Ah, it is refreshing to know I'm not alone in the wool explosion and chaos of a hooker. Your runner is stunning, soft and easy on the eye. Good going..... and in record speed.


  15. Well Lauren I can't say much about 'chaos' as I have it too in my craft room right now - but I do know where everything is when I want
    It will work itself out sooner or later....
    Your rugs are just beautiful.
    Now what is reverse hooking if I may ask.

  16. Hi Lauren, looks good to me too, you seem to find things better this way I think, :)....Love your rugs, simply beautiful, great colors, Francine.

  17. That runner is magnificent!

  18. Wow, Lauren, your big rug is beautiful and finished hooking in only five weeks, Congratulations.

    I see Cathy's beautiful sunflower design all finished and hung on your studio wall, congratulations.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Who can hook up a storm and tidy up at the same time? You have been so busy going to rug shows, hook-ins and workshops lately and taking Jake to the circus that my head is spinning.

    A studio is just a place to work. It will get organized some days when you can find the time.

    Just organize it in your mind and leave the rest.
    Have a great weekend and smell the flowers.


  19. Didn't you know that when you have a bigger room for your crafts, the things get up in the middle of the night and multiply!! The more room you have the more you put into it! I have to say that your room looks really organized. I should shoot some pictures of mine when I get going. It looks like a bomb went off in it! LOL

  20. Lauren,
    Don't feel bad. I have been in my new house since August and much to my shame, still have a storage unit with rug hooking items in it. My wool room is remains filled with boxes as the people who moved me piled them along the walls without my having any shelves up yet. In fact, some of the shelving units still need to be assembled. But I did pull my first loops yesterday!! There is hope!

  21. Lauren,
    It sounds reasonable (in my mind too) that if you had a bigger room, you would be more least I know that I'm not the only one that thinks that way!

  22. Lauren,
    You are one brave soul for showing pics of your wonderful mess! It doesn't look that bad... it shows you are actually doing some work! LOL!'
    Love how the Sunflower rug turned out! And that runner is absolutely stunning! You will eventually get to the organizing... having fun should be the priority!
    Oh.. that red table is to die for!!!
    Cathy G

  23. You're becoming a fast hooker!!! Five weeks is something to be proud of ~ good for you ~ it looks great!!

  24. Hi, Lauren, I love both your Magdalena runner and the new repro you are hooking. Your rugs are always so beautiful, and you accomplish so much!

    I have the perfect solution for your hooking room chaos (although it looks nice and homey to me), Get a cat that if you leave any wool or clothes or fabric on the floor or left out on a table...they pee on it!! Believe me, you'll very quickly start putting everything away in a closet ...hehehe!!!



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