Friday, May 10, 2013

On the Frame ~

My current project is an antique reproduction. The original is in the book "Seasons at Seven Gates Farm".  I've seen it referred to as Bird & Clover, Hearts & Clover and Clover Buds.  

Here are the wools I am using and the background will be hooked using many shades of black.  The hearts are definitely blue, not purple. Tomorrow I'm off to another hook-in.  There will be no rug show to share, but hopefully I'll remember to snap a few pictures.

Better Home & Gardens is one of my favorite magazines.  I recently renewed and they sent me a gift offer I can't refuse, so if you'd like a chance to win a year's subscription, leave a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line to enter.  Easy peasy :)  I will pick a winner early next week.

Thanks so much for stopping by and for all the great comments regarding my last post.  It's nice knowing I'm not alone in craft room chaos!
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wonderful rug and beautiful wool choices, nice antique look.


  2. love that stack of wool! have fun at the hook in. denise

  3. Morning Lauren, beautiful rug and such great colors your using, will be wonderful, love Seven Gaters Farm an

  4. Oh this computer, sorry, didn't let me Seven Gates Farm anything.:)......would love a chance to win a years subscription to Betterhomes and Gardens

  5. Me again, so sorry Lauren, going to throw this out the window soon!!!!! Hugs Francine.

  6. I need a hook in to get my mojo back. Hope you have fun and thanks for a chance at your give a way.

  7. You've been hooking up a storm girl and I like what your new one is looking like. Please enter me in the subscription giveaway.


  8. Yet another rug on the go. Wow Lauren, you sure are productive. No wonder you don't have time to reorganize your studio like you'd want to, Your hook must be hot hot hot...

    Lovely, lovely wool to play with. Have fun at the hook-in. Your rug is going to be beautiful.
    Have a great weekend.


  9. what a lovely rug! I am having rug withdrawal so bad. I haven't got to pick up a hook in so long. The last thing I did was cut wool for my projects and then put them away.
    I can't wait to see it finished. Please enter me in your drawing Lauren. How nice to do that.
    Have a nice weekend.

  10. That pattern is one of my favorites. I'm planning to do it too! Love your wool colors. Enjoy, Dawn

  11. Have fun at the hook in! Count me in on the magazine giveaway.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  12. I love your new rug I have a very old rug that is falling apart, so I am thinking I need to take a copy of it and hook it. you are a good inspiration. And lucky you with all of these hook in and classes! Put me in for your give away I love magazines.

  13. Lauren,
    You are putting my poor efforts to shame. You are almost as prolific a hooker as Saundra!!
    Keep hearing about this book but I have never seen it. How good is it for patterns? Scratch that. I have way too many patterns already I need to hook.
    Please add my name to the giveaway. Since I moved the number of magazines I get are down to three. Two rug hooking ones and the HGTV magazine.


  14. HI Lauren - The strips on this new rug look wider than a #8 cut - is it just my eyes? I love that design too! I got the same offer from BH&G so don't include me in the drawing.

  15. Lauren, you've been hooking up a storm lately! I wish you were closer and could help me with the backgrounds using a mix of different wools. You do it so well

  16. That looks like it will be lovely I am looking forward to seeing it progress. Such nice wool colors

  17. Your newest project is looking great, Lauren ...I LOVE "Seasons at Seven Gates Farm." My copy is wearing out from use! I think the colors you have chosen for the rug are perfect! How are you getting so many projects finished? I am in awe!!

    Please enter my name in the BH&G contest. Thank you.

    Hugs, Linda

  18. Hi, Lauren,
    Love the four hearts rug. I was just looking at my Seasons book at it. Did you know that James Cramer has a new book out, published by Jill Peterson? Not as big as Seasons, but some great pictures. I met him a few weeks ago at Curry's Antiques, he also has a journal out of his late partner's photographs. I want to hook that rug, too! Did you draw your own pattern or purchase it? Happy Mother's Day to you...and to Ellie for her new wonderful Mom...


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)