Friday, May 31, 2013

Four Years of Blah, Blah, Blah ~

A big THANK YOU to all my dear blog friends! Some of you have been listening to me blather on for four years.  Four years ago I posted for the first time.  You can read about it here.  I really am not "chatty" in person, but here on the blog I can ramble on and on and on :)

In honor of four years, I will be giving away four of my spoon necklaces.  Here is a sampling of what I have to offer.

I do have them for you non-hookers, too, and I can always do a woof or a meow.

If you already have a necklace, you can enter to win a stamped handle.  They can be a necklace, be made in to a scissor fob, or used as a charm.

Here is my necklace.  I'll also send some beads to add however you wish.

Entering is simple.  Leave a comment on this post or drop me an email with give-away in the subject line.  I will draw the names on Tuesday.  

Thank you again, dear friends, for your kindness, support and friendship.  Some of you I have had the privilege of meeting in person and some I will never meet, but you are all very dear to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  As I said in my first post, what counts is the journey, not the destination.  

Pug hugs : )


  1. Congratulations on four years! Love your blog, and your necklaces are absolutely wonderful. I have tried to make the stamped spoons, but they are pretty sad looking (lol), Thanks for a chance to win one of your beauties!
    Olde Crow Mercantile

  2. Happy blogiversary Lauren. Hope you'll continue to blah, blah, blah for many more years:D AND I always love seeing your pug pics!
    Smiles, ~Nan

  3. Hi Lauren, I am so happy to have meet you through blogging, also I love that you foster and rescue Puggy's, Bless your heart......I would love a chance to win a necklace, they all are so beautiful, please enter my name in your wonderful give away, Pug Hugs Back, Francine.

  4. Congratulations Lauren on your 4th blog anniversary. I always love to read your blog and get excited when you post. I would love to meet you in person some day. Who knows, if not here, then in heaven and I'm taking all my wool with me. he,he.

    I would be honored to own one of your spoon necklace.

  5. Congratulations on your 4 year blogiversary! I enjoy your posts so much, even if I don't always post a comment :) Please enter me in your giveaway - I really love that sampler maker spoon necklace :) Wishing you many years of happy blogging to come!
    Blessings, Patti

  6. Congrats on four years of blogging! I LOVE your necklaces and would be happy to give one a new home...around my neck! You gave me a big boost when I started blogging and I appreciated it so very much...R&P's is at the top of my list of "bests". Your Pug necklace is wonderful!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Love the necklaces! Thanks for the opportunity.

  8. Good grief, really? Four years? How time flys. Now I'm wondering how long I've had my blog but think it took me a long time to 'get into the groove'so you've got me beat with blogging time I'm sure.

    Would love to be in the mix for one of those Wonderful Hooker Handles for a scissor fob. Congrats on your 4 year.


  9. I love your Congrats on 4 years! I need a junk queen one lol. Warm Blessings! -Amy

  10. I love your blog congratulations! 4 years wow.
    I have one of your sweet necklaces I will stay out of the give away. Love the necklace with all the charms though I will have to order some from you.
    Happy blog-a-versery here is to many many more.

  11. I always love coming here. Those sweet doggie faces always make me smile.
    Congrats on 4 fun years and please put my name in the hat. I like the Sew Sweet spoon. Thanks...Susie

  12. Wow, Lauren, four years! I always love reading your blog, you share so many interesting things from all your hook-ins. I love the necklace you made for me, along with the scissor's fob. I would, however, like to order from of those spoon handles that says "Hooker" to hang on my necklace. Give Ellie a kiss for me...

  13. Yay for four years! It's been wonderful reading your blog and getting to meet you at hook-ins. :-)

  14. Lauren, it's been a real pleasure to get to know you over the past few years. I'm looking forward to " someday" meet in person. Keep the posts coming. And I already have a lovely spoon necklace :)

  15. I do love your blog you are who I always go to each day to see if you have updated! I love the necklaces.

  16. Please enter me in your giveaway. I love your necklaces.

  17. Congrats on four years Your blog has been inspiring me to take up rug hooking in the Fall.
    The spoon necklaces are beautiful. How talented you are!

  18. Congraulatins on four years of wonderful blogging. I love all you rug hooking, but the pugs have me checking in they all are so cute, and its wonderful that you find loving homes for them. Your necklaces are awesome I love the sampler maker, thanks for the chance to win.

  19. Wow Lauren I didn't know you made such cute necklaces!!! Congrats on four years. I am so glad you decided to blog. Please enter me into your wonderful giveaway, I would love to win a hooker necklace. That is awesome.
    Thank you so much,

  20. Your necklaces are terrific...I love going to a hook-in, looking around the room and seeing SO many women with your necklaces on! I'd love to have another.
    Thanks for your talent!

  21. Such a wonderful giveaway! Since I'm not officially a hooker (only dabbled) I'd love the sampler maker necklace. It's always fun to visit your blog!!

  22. I just celebrated my second year on my blog; can't believe how time flies. Happy four years to you!! Between you and Notforgotten Farm I could not resist giving hooking another try. To be really honest your post of ALL your wool scattered about really sank the hook in me. It was wool envy at first sight. Thank you for sharing your stories, projects and other musings

  23. Just wanted to say congratulations! Please don't include me in your fabulous offering. I love my necklace and would like someone else to have the opportunity.

  24. Your's is one of the very first blogs I started following. I am a self taught hooker and came across your site .. you continue to be more than kind in giving inspiration and joy. with some lol thrown in. Thanks

  25. 4 years is a long time to talk. I've along been reading you for about a year. I just recently became a hooker so would love to win a necklace.

  26. I look forward to every post! Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

  27. please enter my name. i would love a sampler maker one, denise[cheermom1954@aol,com]

  28. Congratulations for 4 years! Please enter me in the give away. Thanks!

  29. Love the spoons! What cute pugs! Thanks for the giveaway. I am a rug hooker and I think using the handles are great! Lisa aka Wooly 4 Ewe

  30. Lauren,
    Difficult to believe you have been bringing us into your world for four years!! I think you deserve some kind of diploma for that. Have loved every minute I have spent with you and your babies. Your work with pug rescue is inspiring!
    One of your necklaces would have a loving home with me in Tallahassee.


  31. I've only recently discovered your blog. I'm a pug owner just getting back into rug hooking and am really enjoying your site. Thanks for the inspiration and congrats on the 4 years.

  32. Lauren, 4 years of blogging and I must say you are really faithful at it too! Unlike some of us. (frowny face here).
    Can't wait to see all of your wares in June.

  33. Please don't include me in the giveaway Lauren, but I wanted to congratulate you on your milestone - awesome!

  34. Just found your blog and am enjoying it. Congratulations on 4yrs. blogging, it is fun to read what others are doing. Your necklaces are wonderful would love a chance to win one. Your doggie friends are very sweet and like their names!

  35. Lauren, Four Years????!!!!! I've been following you from Day One, and enjoy every post of yours. I don't often reply, but let me assure you, I always look forward to the next post. Keep it going!!!

    Don't put my name in for a spoon as I already am a proud owner of one (a very generous gift from you awhile back and I love it!!!) See you in Mansfield at the end of June. Karin

  36. You've had great posts. There wasn't any blah blah blah. I'd love to win one of the spoons, I have the necklace. Thanks for the opportunity!


  37. Wow, Lauren! Four years has flown by, and I always look forward to your interesting posts. Your hooked rugs are wonderful, and I would LOVE a chance yo win one of your beautiful necklaces.


  38. Congrats on 4 years. Love your necklaces and would love to win one.

  39. Wow, so many comments for this giveaway!
    I am much like you in that I can write a book on my
    I've always enjoyed visiting here and enjoy all your treasures and your wonderful hooking talent.
    Your giveaway is very intriguing!
    Blessings and many more years of blogging (and hooking).

  40. Oh, I'd love to win one of your most creative spoon necklaces. Happy anniversary! I wish you many more years of blogging...Greetings from Maine, Julie.

  41. Congratulation on 4 years blogging. Thanks for the give-away chance. I have you in my favorites. I enjoy reading your blog.


  42. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging. I would love to win one of your wonderful pieces.


  43. Thanks for starting my mornings off with a little pug fun!

  44. Hi Lauren,
    Congratulations on four years of blogging!
    I would love to be a winner of one of your beautiful necklaces.
    Thanks so much!

  45. Congratulations! Your blog is great.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)