Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday Stuff ~

Have you seen stand-up paddle boarding?  This is outside DSO's condo.  You stand up on these enormous surf-type boards and paddle like a canoe.  It's supposed to be great exercise.  The boards are (supposedly) very stable.  The owner/instructor (in the striped shorts) will even do a headstand on it.  Has anyone tried this?  I think it might be fun to give it a whirl.

Yesterday DSO powered up the sailboat and under motor we took a ride upriver with his friend Dick and new bride.  How cool is that to get married in your 80's?  I guess it's never to late for love :)  

Lots and lots of heron make their home on the Black River.  About ten years ago I saw my first bald eagle circling over the river.  

Progress has been made on my rug and I'm nearing completion.  I've run out of background wool, but luckily hooker friend Melissa has some I can use.  Since I used only one wool, I don't want to reverse hook and add other wools.  I love using one wool to get so much variation.  The cat is probably 8-10 different dark wools.  This was taken without a flash and the colors are pretty close.  I wanted a simple face, but I'm not sure about it.  I will live with it for a few days and hopefully it will grow on me.

There's still time to enter my anniversary give-away.  I will pick the winners on Tuesday.
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I've never tried paddle boarding but some friends tried it on vacation this year. They said it was fun and a great workout. Let us know when you try it ;)

  2. I've never even heard of the paddle boarding sport. As long as you have a floatation jacket, go for it. I know that my back would not be strong enough to try.

    Your prim cat rug is looking relly good. You have become a hooking machine.
    Enjoy the new month of June, it looks like summer is finally here to stay.

  3. I have seen a lot of those out, when I am kayaking. I don't see that as fun, lol. I think I would be tired trying to do that, I will stick to kayaking, more stable and easier to go out in the waves with.


  4. I have not seen that type of paddling.. But I would think your arms would get one heck of a work out. I have a hard time chewing gum and walking at the same time so I doubt if this would be for me.

    Married in their 80's wow... more power to them. How nice that they have someone in the later part of life.

    I like the simplicity of your cat's face.

    have a great week.

  5. Oh not me, can barely swin, lol!!! Love our rug Lauren, sweet, Francine.

  6. I have seen people do that at the beach. I think it would be fun too. It looks like a nice summer thing to do being out on a boat. That rug just looks amazing. It turned out so nice. I think I need some lessons. :)

  7. I have seen people do it on the lake while we are kayaking. I don't think it is as easy as it looks lots of balance. Love your rug great color.

  8. Hi Lauren, what a wonderful time spent with friends.
    I love being 'on' the water - not so much 'in' the water as I don't swim so the paddle boarding isn't for me....keep it for the young.
    Loved this post - gorgeous rug!!! As always. I envy a lot don't I LOL


  9. There was a time when I'd have tried the paddling but don't think my balance (among other things) is as good as it used to be.

    Love how your cat and mouse is coming out and can't wait to see a finished picture of it.

  10. My son is a rep for a company that sells paddleboards. Both my son and daughter-in-law LOVE using them. They even tried it in the ocean. One of these days...

  11. This is the first I am hearing of stand up paddle boarding... though it looks like fun! LOVE your cat rug! What is the background wool? It looks wonderful!

  12. People do that paddle boarding down here. Looks like fun...but at my age it looks like a trip to the E.R. Your rug is looking good...can't wait to see the finish!

  13. I love your nature pictures, What a pretty bird.


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