Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Best Laid Plans ~

~ of mice and men, so they say . . .

My Magdalena runner was supposed to be all about the worms - as in using as many as possible to hook the runner and cutting as little wool as possible.  Yes, I am using worms, but I'm also cutting.  Sometimes it's just easier to pull a piece of wool rather than find the "perfect" worm. Which creates another problem ~ yet MORE worms.  It's a vicious cycle.

This is the second largest rug I've hooked to date. Well, actually the largest was the rug I started last summer at the Heavens to Betsy retreat at Shaker Village that is not yet complete. I pulled it out of the pie safe a couple weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised at how much I had hooked.  I really need to get back to it.  It is an antique adaptation by the Woolley Fox, called What Nots.  

Not being the world's fastest hooker nor having much time to hook in the evenings, I am happy with the progress I've made.  Of course, I'd like to be further along (since I did hook on it for three days at the Susan Feller retreat and at the one day Amish hook-in which really doesn't count because not much hooking is done at a hook-in!). As I think I've said before, it is not how I envisioned it (it was supposed to be more "dirty" and old looking) but I do like how it is coming out.  

Here's little Miss Ellie watching me hook.  She is such a fuss-budget and has to fiddle with her blanket before settling down.  She really is a sweet little thing :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I do need to do one of those rugs. I think they both look great.

  2. I like both of the rugs and Ellie looks so sweet! Glad she now has a forever home with you.

  3. You have that right about rug worms... they seem to never be less in the pile no matter how much you try to use them up. I think that you need to hide the cutter, ha,ha,ha.

    Both rugs are very nice. I hope that you still have the wool for the background for the first one, but then I don't know much about those types of rugs.

    Ellie looks so sweet all snuggled in her bed.

    Take care and give her a hug for me. I bet that she is still thinking of her momma the poor little thing. You are such a sweetheart yourself for taking her as your own.

  4. Hi Lauren,
    Love how both of your rugs are coming along! Wonderful colors and wools in each! I so know the pain it is to go digging through the worms to find the right color and have been guilty of the same thing cutting into the new wool.... maybe we need the worm Nazi to stand over us when we're hooking LOL!
    Little Miss Ellie has the most soulful looking eyes, she's just adorable! I am so glad she is settled in with you now!
    Have a nice weekend and will look forward to seeing your progress!
    Cathy G

  5. I'm REALLY likin' that rug Lauren now hurry up and finish it!!!!
    The Queen Says!!!

  6. Both rugs are looking great. And I agree with how much time it takes and the tangles it makes, to find the right worm in a pile of them. Sometimes it IS easier just to cut more wool.

    Keep pulling those loops a little at a time and eventually the rugs will be done.


  7. Very nice Lauren...I think you hook faster than you think!
    I have a pennies rug going with extra 'worms'. When I get a chance to work on it that is.

  8. Lovely rugs! And Ellie looks so content. She is awfully cute.

  9. Your rugs are looking great, Lauren...I love the colors you have chosen. Worms multiply on their own in my basket...I desperately need to do a "worms only" rug!!

    Miss Ellie is the cutest little thing...her face reminds me of our Jess.

    Hugs, Linda

  10. Both rugs are looking good Lauren! Ellie is sucha sweetie. Love seeing pics of her. She looks so happy and content. Hugs, Lori


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