Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ann Arbor Hook-In ~

Yesterday, my hooker partner in crime, Melissa, and I headed to Ann Arbor, MI for a hook-in.  This is my second year attending and I believe Melissa's third.  We met up with the Evening Stitcher and friend, Bobbie.  I was gifted this sweet lavender topiary.  I keep running my fingers over the leaves to release that heavenly scent.  Thanks so much, Bobbie!

Each hooker was given a little hooked mat as a welcome gift.  Every one was different.  I can't even imagine how many each guild member had to hook.  

Of course, it was wool heaven.  The vendor area was wall to wall hookers.  We hookers LOVE our wool :)  I tried to behave myself (very difficult!), but I did buy these pieces of wool.  What a bargain.  All this was a total of $9.00.  I also bought another half yard of a dark, dark red that was on sale and a half yard of one of my favorite light neutrals because I thought I was running low, only to come home and see that I had an even bigger piece waiting for a rug.  Thankfully wool doesn't go bad!  There was so much I wanted to buy, but there is another hook-in in two weeks so I must pace myself :)

So much talent and so many beautiful rugs.  Here is a sampling.

Sorry for the arm :(

My picture does not do this rug justice.  The colors were absolutely breathtaking!  The hooker started this is a class with Maria Barton (one of my favorite hooker-people).

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Happy Sunday to you.
Pug hugs :)


  1. "thankfully wool doesn't go bad"...truer words were never spoke...

    thanks for sharing the rugs...the last one is oh so gorgeous!

  2. Wonderful rug show and it looks like a fun hook in.
    The lavender plant is a nice idea and nice of Bobbie to think of you.


  3. Hi Lauren, love the sweet little mat......but the big rugs are amazing, such talent the girls have at hooking.....Blessings Francine.

  4. What a bargain for all that wool. You can never have too much wool....

    It looks like you are a winner with that lavender topiary. Such a thoughtful gift. I love the lavender fragrance. It's so relaxing.

    It looks like you got addicted to hook-ins lately but that's good, I think... It gives you a reason to buy wool.

    Thanks for the rug show, There are some for every taste.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    Thanks for the rug show again,

  5. Such gorgeous rugs!
    Oh how I wish I could hook.
    Love the topiary.
    I want one so bad.

  6. It looks like it was a wonderful time and the quilts are great. You the perfect weather for the day too. I'm hoping that I can make it next year!!

  7. Thanks for all the eye candy!!!

  8. Wow these are amazing. I am learning what a real art form hooking rugs can be just from your site alone!

  9. what wonderful gifts lavender is my all time favorite.
    great rugs and wonderful wool a perfect weekend.

  10. What a lovely topiary. There is nothing like the smell of fresh lavender. Sounds like you had a nice time with fellow wool lovers.

  11. I love that you go to these shows because then I can see all the lovey hooked things. Thanks SANDI

  12. You went to another hook-in? You lucky lady!!! Tell Melissa it was nice meeting her in Millersburg. What is her blog's name?

  13. You have been a busy hooker lately, travelling to all the hot spots. No dear, wool doesn't go bad - thank goodness. And I truly believe it happier when in the middle of a giant stash - you know, so it doesn't get lonely ;)

  14. Thanks for the show. The abstract was very interesting although not my thing to hook or purchase. But sure do admire the work that went into making it.

    Ya got some good wool girl and like you say it doesn't go bad.

    The hooked mat was intriguing and wonder how the back was finished so the last row didn't come loose from the backing. They used the backing as the fringe and thought that was cool.

  15. What fun!! I think I would go crazy at a hook in. So much to do. I love all of the rugs and the wool you got is so nice. I just love seeing all of it. It is so nice you live close enough to go do that.
    I hope you have a great week.

  16. those are all wonderful, just wonderful!

  17. Wonderful pictures, Lauren. I love Maria Barton's designs, as well...perfectly primitive. You did alright for yourself in the wool department...great buys.

    Hugs, Linda

  18. A lovely collection of rugs! I like your lavender topiary, too.

  19. do you remember who designed the Wool Gatherer rug? SOOO cute! Loved seeing all the fun rugs. You are so good about posting photos for us. Take care Mel


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