Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Nellie Irene ~

I stitched Nellie Irene many years ago.  (She sounds a bit Irish, doesn't she?)  We're talking  M-A-N-Y.  Many as in 25???  I'm not really sure but it's been waiting for a "finish" for a long time.  I tried to find the chart to see who designed it, but was not successful.  The other day I gave it a coffee bath to tone it down.  It was stitched on a rather stiff, almost white linen.  28 count, I think.
A couple weeks ago, I promised a give-away and just can't seem to get my act together, so if you'd like a chance to finish this sampler or perhaps tack it to a cupboard or wall as it is, leave me a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  I will pick a winner Thursday evening.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,that is a lovely sampler!I would love to be entered in the drawing.Someday I hope to stitch such a piece.LOL!Thanks for hosting the sweet giveaway.Hugs,Jen

  2. Wow Lauren - Your sampler is lovely just the way it is - although framing it or turning it into a pillow will make it nice too. I can't believe you're giving it away!

  3. Hi Lauren, I will leave a comment but will pass on the give away as I know a lot of girls who would appreciate this sampler so much as they decorate in primitive. Thanks for the generous offer.Have a great week,
    Hugs, JB

  4. Lauren,
    Your sampler is just lovely and I can't believe that you are so generous in giving her away. I'd love a chance to own this little beauty and promise to give her a real p,ace of honor if I'm the lucky winner.

  5. Oh My! I would love a chance to win this wonderful sampler! I am a Irish gal that it would be right at home! OLM

  6. Oh I love this I have a perfect spot waiting for her!

  7. Hi Lauren, What a cute sampler please enter me too! Cheri

  8. Please enter me for a chance to win your wonderful sampler! Thank you, Lauren!

  9. Hi Lauren, I would love for Nellie Irene to come and live at my house. Remember, better late than never! Hugs, Julie. (How is little Ellie holding up? Hope she is doing okay)...

  10. It is cute and I could never do anything like that so throw my name in please!
    Be blessed,

  11. Can it be that I actually didn't miss one of your wonderful giveaways?? I LOVE this ET....! Really - this is what YOU were doing 25 years ago?? You wouldn't wanna see what I was stitching then... :o (think country blue and mauve...or perhaps geese....) :o There...that nasty cat's outta the bag. Anywho - I would love to have this treasure in my home....AS IS....would look so cool draped on a cupboard door...or....here comes the Marly in me....tucked inside or outside a basket..... :o)) Smiles & O'Irish Hugs ~ Robin

  12. Would love to finish this beautiful project!

  13. Oh my goodness Lauren this is just the most beautiful prim sampler I've seen...how I'd love to be entered...PLEASE
    Thanks so much for such a beautiful offering.

  14. What a sweet folksy piece. I'd love to win. Thanks for the chance.

  15. This is lovely. Amazing that some of the classics stay in style.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  16. OH MY STARS, Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.....love it, Francine.

  17. Lauren, is there anything that you cannot make? This sampler is wonderful and I know exactly where it should hang.LOL
    Do you give extra points if one of your favorite aunts was named Irene?
    Can't fault a girl for asking!

  18. I would Love to win the Nellie Irene sampler. Hanging it on a cupboard sounds great but i think I would like to try and finish it and frame it. Thank you, Tina

  19. I would love to win Nellie. Love the name. When I was young my dad always had a cow named Nellie
    Connie L


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)