Thursday, March 7, 2013

Congrats to ~

Thanks to all who entered!  Congrats to Connie.  She commented that growing up her dad always had a cow named Nellie :)  Connie, please send me your mailing information so that I can get the sampler mailed.

Do you think I am spoiling Ellie just a little bit?  She spends most of the night buried under the covers and only comes up for fresh air a couple times a night.  The last two mornings this is how I've found her when I've gotten up.  Please continue to say a prayer or two for her forever mom.  She continues to improve and is hoping to go home in a couple of weeks.  I do hope that becomes a reality ~ for both my friend and Ellie :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Miss Ellie looks so sweet. Our Lab used to sleep with her head on my pillow. Very good news that your friend is improving!

  2. Lol. Too cute. When someone says Millie is spoiled, I say No, she is just loved. Looks like Ellie is loved too. Glad to hear her Mom is improving.

  3. Awe... what a cute picture. I'm glad that Ellie's mom will soon be returning home. She's a tough lady to be able to recover from that nasty bug. You have been such a caring friend.

    Prayers, & Hugs.

  4. congrats to the winner and yes I think she is just a bit spoiled.

  5. Hi, Lauren,
    I'm happy to year that Ellie's mom is improving, but it sure looks like she has settled in with you!

  6. Congratulations to Connie! Ha! We always had a pig named Nellie! (But I didn't wanna tell ya that for fear it would jinx my chance at winning...) ;o Awwww....Miss Ellie.....Yup, that has all the bells and whistles of spoilage. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Congrats to Connie.
    What a sweet loved puppy.
    Woolie Hugs

  8. Darn it, I missed out on this wonderful giveaway. Congrats to Connie and what a sweet picture of Ellie!

  9. Congrats to Connie......wonderful giveaway......So sweet Ellie sleeping, it`s o.k. to spoil her......Blessings Francine.

  10. Miss Ellie looks so sweet!! Maulie likes to get under the covers too!Prayers for Ellies mom,Cheri

  11. I'm so sorry I missed a chance to win your wonderful cross stitch, Lauren...congratulations, Connie!

    Ellie looks pretty comfortable all covered up and snuggie warm...adorable.


  12. What a funny little dog. I am so glad her Mom is doing so much better. I do hope she gets to go home too.
    You know, your Nellie Irene is really fantastic!! I am glad it will have a new home.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)