Sunday, March 3, 2013

Whole Lotta Nuthin' ~

That about sums up my weekend.  I feel like I got absolutely nothing done and tomorrow it's back to work.  I did finish the binding on Maria's little lamb . . . 

10.75" x 17.75".  Asking $120, US shipping included.

. . . and pulled a few loops on another of her patterns, Lamb & Chicks, the smaller size at 10" x 16 1/2".  I think I may have to reverse hook the curls.  Do you agree that there is too much contrast?  The face and hooves will be the same color as the curls.

I also am stitching the Malabar Farm Pinkeep by Stacy Nash.  I am using the called for Gentle Art threads.  I've never used them before but I absolutely LOVE them!  I did not have the called for linen so am using a piece of 28 count linen from my stash, Cashel, and the color is Days Gone By.  I do not plan to make it a pinkeep so will most likely omit the scissor motif and perhaps even the "Malabar Farm" from the bottom.

I haven't made a goal list in about forever and may be going out on a limb here, but my goal for March is to catch up on binding my rugs.  I have five to bind . . . sigh.  I always bind with rug tape or wool and another goal is to try the crochet edge.  That was on today's list, but I've about run out of today.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Don't reverse hook yet wait until the face is done. I love your pin keep.

  2. Yeah, I lost steam quickly today too. I'd much rather hook than bind. I like the new sheep. I agree with Cathy, wait and see

  3. Wait for the background and you may not even need to reverse hook.

    I think that your goal is a step in the right direction. It's amazing how much we seem to accomplish with lists. I like to cross off what I have done on my list and it makes me feel like I got at least something done.

    Good luck with your goal.
    Have a great week.

  4. I almost hate coming over to see what you're working on and am reminded that I'm not hooking one bit. I love your pieces!! I don't think that binding 5 rugs is too bad of a goal. It will feel good if you even get half of them bound!!

  5. I can't help - sorry! I love my Malabar and its colors. I left the "farm" part off too. How's Annie doing?

  6. Morning Lauren, love the chick and sheep, so help here either, sorry:( Francine.

  7. Both hooked pieces look great, and I agree with waiting until deciding on the reverse hooking. I also would like to try he crochet edge one day but so far I've only done the 'thinking about it' part.


  8. I think the rugs both look great. I keep telling myself, I will like binding rugs. It hasn't worked yet, but I keep telling myself that. I want so bad to do Malabar Farms. I love that pattern so much.
    I got pretty hooked on those threads too. All I can find here in town is DMC and there really is a difference. Have a very nice week Lauren.

  9. Beautiful rugs Lauren..I can not give you any help with the 'contrast' on the sheep...I'm too new to hooking to be of any help. Your pulls are so perfect - is that an 8 or 8-1/2 you are using. I like it whatever.
    What a pretty stitching you are working on.


  10. You're zippin' right along! I absolutely LOVE the way your Malabar Farm is stitching up! Awesome threads and linen choice!

  11. I personally love the curly q's as they are and think they will look soooo nice when its all done. I love your other rug talented you are !

  12. Lauren, You busy gal! Love them all!!! OLM


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